旅游口语情景对话 第353天:如何描述加拿大之旅(在线收听

 Can you tell me some interesting things to see in Canada?  能告诉我加拿大有什么有趣的景视吗?

Can you tell me some interesting things to see in Canada? 能吿诉我加拿大有什么有趣的景观吗?
Sure, apart from the beaches from the Pacific Ocean, you might like Butchart Gardens near Victoria, one of the best flower gardens in Canada. 当然,除了太平洋的海滩外,你也许喜欢临近维多利亚的布査花园,它是加拿大最好的花园之一。
Tell me something about the Atlantic provinces?  能告诉我有关大西洋沿岸各省的情况吗?
Tell me something about the Atlantic provinces? 能告诉我有关大西洋沿岸各省的情况吗?
In New Brunwick, you can see a waterfall that reverses direction twice a day. 在新布鲁维克省你可以见到一个瀑布,它每天调换两次方向。
That's amazing. What can I see in Nova Scotia? 真令人惊奇,在诺瓦斯雪省我能看到什么?
You can see museums, fishing villages and whales if you are lucky. 你可以参观傅物馆,捕鱼村。如果幸运的话,还可以看到鲸鱼。