英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第60期:第五章 血型(13)(在线收听

 "She's just a little faint," he reassured the startled nurse. "They're blood typing in Biology." “她只是有点头晕。”他给那位吓得够呛的护士吃了一颗定心丸。“他们在生物课上检测血型。”

The nurse nodded sagely. "There's always one." 护士英明地点了点头:“总会有一两个人这样的。”
He muffled a snicker. 他闷笑了一声。
"Just lie down for a minute, honey; it'll pass." “躺一会儿就好,亲爱的,很快就会没事的。”
"I know," I sighed. The nausea was already fading. “我知道。”我叹息着说。那种恶心感快要消失了。
"Does this happen a lot?" she asked. “你常常这样吗?”她问道。
"Sometimes," I admitted. Edward coughed to hide another laugh. “有时会。”我承认道。爱德华咳嗽了一声,以掩饰他又一次的轻笑。
"You can go back to class now," she told him. “现在你可以回去上课了。”她告诉他。
"I'm supposed to stay with her." “我认为我最好还是留在这里陪她。”
He said this with such assured authority that—even though she pursed her lips—the nurse didn't argue it further. 他的声音里带着某种令人信服的威严。那个护士撅起了嘴,但她没有再说什么。
"I'll go get you some ice for your forehead, dear," she said to me, and then bustled out of the room. “亲爱的,我去拿些冰来,给你敷在前额上。”她对我说着,然后匆匆忙忙地走出了房间。
"You were right," I moaned, letting my eyes close. “你说的很对。”我呻吟着,闭上了眼睛。
"I usually am—but about what in particular this time?" “我通常都是对的——但这次有什么特殊之处吗?”
"Ditching is healthy." I practiced breathing evenly. “翘课有益健康。”我练习着让自己更均匀地呼吸。
"You scared me for a minute there," he admitted after a pause. “在那边,有那么一会儿你把我吓坏了。”
His tone made it sound like he was confessing a humiliating weakness. 他顿了顿,承认道。他的声音听起来像是他在坦承某个丢人的弱点。
"I thought Newton was dragging your dead body off to bury it in the woods." “我还以为牛顿在把你的尸体拖到树林里埋掉呢。”
"Ha ha." I still had my eyes closed, but I was feeling more normal every minute. “哈哈。”我还是紧闭着双眼,但我能感到自己每分每秒都在好起来。
"Honestly—I've seen corpses with better color. I was concerned that I might have to avenge your murder." “老实说——我见过尸体,但它们的气色比你都要好些。我还在想着是不是应该替你向凶手报仇。”