英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第62期:第五章 血型(15)(在线收听

 "Oh no," Edward muttered. "Go out to the office, Bella." “哦不。”爱德华喃喃低语道。“到办公室外面去,贝拉。”

I looked up at him, bewildered. 我抬头看他,有些不知所措。
"Trust me — go." “相信我——走吧。”
I spun and caught the door before it closed, darting out of the infirmary. I could feel Edward right behind me. 我立刻转过身去,在门关上以前抓住它,飞快地冲出了医务室。我能感觉到爱德华紧紧地跟着我。
"You actually listened to me." He was stunned. “你居然会听我的话。”他很震惊。
"I smelled the blood," I said, wrinkling my nose. Lee wasn't sick from watching other people, like me. “我闻到了血的味道。”我说着,皱起了鼻子。李跟我不一样,他不是因为看到别人的血而不舒服的。
"People can't smell blood," he contradicted. “人类闻不出血的味道。”他反驳道。
"Well, I can — that's what makes me sick. It smells like rust… and salt." “嗯,我可以——那种味道让我不舒服。闻起来就像是铁锈的味道……还有盐。”
He was staring at me with an unfathomable expression. 他用一种深不可测的神情注视着我。
"What?" I asked. “怎么了?”我问道。
"It's nothing." “没什么。”
Mike came through the door then, glancing from me to Edward. 迈克从门里出来,逐个看着我和爱德华。
The look he gave Edward confirmed what Edward had said about loathing. He looked back at me, his eyes glum. 他向爱德华投去的眼神证实了爱德华原来说的话——充满了憎恶。他又看回我身上,眼里写满了怒气。
"You look better," he accused. “你看起来好多了。”他的话里有着指责的意味。
"Just keep your hand in your pocket," I warned him again. “只管把你的手放回口袋里。”我再次提醒他。
"It's not bleeding anymore," he muttered. "Are you going back to class?" “已经不再流血了。”他沉声说道。“你要回来上课吗?”
"Are you kidding? I'd just have to turn around and come back." “你在说笑吗?那样我又得扭头就走,回到这儿来。”
"Yeah, I guess… So are you going this weekend? To the beach?" “好吧,我想也是……你这周末会来吧?去海滩?”
While he spoke, he flashed another glare toward Edward, who was standing against the cluttered counter, motionless as a sculpture, staring off into space. 他说着,又扫了一眼爱德华。后者正一动不动地站在那张混乱不堪的柜台旁,像尊雕塑一样,看着远处的空气。
I tried to sound as friendly as possible. "Sure, I said I was in." 我尽量让自己的声音听起来友好些:“当然,我一定会去的。”