英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第63期:第五章 血型(16)(在线收听

 "We're meeting at my dad's store, at ten." “十点,我们在我爸的商店门口集合。”

His eyes flickered to Edward again, wondering if he was giving out too much information. 他的眼睛又一次飞快地掠过爱德华,想知道自己是不是透露了太多信息。
His body language made it clear that it wasn't an open invitation. 他的身体语言清楚地表明了这不是一个公开的邀请。
"I'll be there," I promised. “我会去的。”我保证道。
"I'll see you in Gym, then," he said, moving uncertainly toward the door. “那么,体育馆见。”他说着,不太确定地向门口走去。
"See you," I replied. “回见。”我应声说道。
He looked at me once more, his round face slightly pouting, and then as he walked slowly through the door, his shoulders slumped. 他又看了我一会儿,圆圆的脸上露出了不悦。然后他耷拉着肩膀,慢吞吞地走出门去。
A swell of sympathy washed over me. I pondered seeing his disappointed face again… in Gym. 一股不断膨胀的同情袭击了我。我思索着,想到自己还得再看一次他那张失落的脸……在体育馆里。
"Gym," I groaned. “体育馆。”我呻吟了一声。
"I can take care of that." I hadn't noticed Edward moving to my side, but he spoke now in my ear. "Go sit down and look pale," he muttered. “我能照看好自己。”我这才注意到,爱德华站到了我的身旁。但他紧贴着我的耳朵低声说道:“去那边坐下来,装出苍白虚弱的样子。”他的声音近乎呢喃。
That wasn't a challenge; I was always pale, and my recent swoon had left a light sheen of sweat on my face. 这不是什么难事。我一向很苍白,而且刚刚的昏厥让我的脸沁出了一层薄汗。
I sat in one of the creaky folding chairs and rested my head against the wall with my eyes closed. Fainting spells always exhausted me. 我坐在其中一张吱嘎作响的折叠椅上,头抵着墙,闭目养神。晕厥总让我筋疲力尽。
I heard Edward speaking softly at the counter. 我听见爱德华站在柜台旁柔声说着话。
"Ms. Cope?" “柯普女士?”
"Yes?" I hadn't heard her return to her desk. “怎么了?”我没听见她回到她的桌子上的声音。
"Bella has Gym next hour, and I don't think she feels well enough. “贝拉的下一堂课是体育课,我觉得她还没恢复到能上体育课的地步。
Actually, I was thinking I should take her home now. Do you think you could excuse her from class?" 事实上,我觉得我应该现在就把她送回家去。您看,能不能准许她下堂课请假呢?”
His voice was like melting honey. I could imagine how much more overwhelming his eyes would be. 他的声音甜得像融化的蜂蜜一样。我甚至能想象出,他的眼神会是多么的令人难以抗拒。
"Do you need to be excused, too, Edward?" Ms. Cope fluttered. Why couldn't I do that? “你也需要准假吗,爱德华?”柯普女士急不可耐地说道。为什么我就做不到这一点呢?
"No, I have Mrs. Goff, she won't mind." “不必了,我有高夫太太呢,她不会介意的。”
"Okay, it's all taken care of. You feel better, Bella," she called to me. I nodded weakly, hamming it up just a bit. “好了,一切都安排好了。你感觉好些了吧,贝拉。”她远远地冲我喊道。我虚弱地点点头,为了显得更夸张一些,我只是略微抬了抬头。
"Can you walk, or do you want me to carry you again?" With his back to the receptionist, his expression became sarcastic. “你能走路吗?或者你想让我再把你抱出去?”一背对着那位接待员,他立刻换上了一副挖苦的表情。
"I'll walk." “我能自己走。”