英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第69期:第五章 血型(22)(在线收听

 We were near the parking lot now. I veered left, toward my truck. Something caught my jacket, yanking me back. 现在我们离停车场很近了。我下意识地转左,向我的卡车走去。某个东西抓住我的夹克,把我拉了回去。

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked, outraged. He was gripping a fistful of my jacket in one hand. “你以为自己在向哪里走?”他用一种被激怒了的语气问道。他正一把抓住我的夹克。
I was confused. "I'm going home." 我大惑不解。“我正在回家。”
"Didn't you hear me promise to take you safely home? Do you think I'm going to let you drive in your condition?" His voice was still indignant. “你没听见我说要把你安全地送回家吗?你以为我会让你在这种身体状况下自己开车回去吗?”他的声音依然显得很愤怒。
"What condition? And what about my truck?" I complained. “什么叫这种状况?那我的卡车怎么办?”我发着牢骚。
"I'll have Alice drop it off after school." He was towing me toward his car now, pulling me by my jacket. “我会让爱丽丝放学后把它开走的。”他拉着我的夹克,拖着我向他的车走去。
It was all I could do to keep from falling backward. He'd probably just drag me along anyway if I did. 我所能做的只是不让自己向后倒。但就算我倒下去了,我想他很有可能还是会继续拖着我走的。
"Let go!" I insisted. He ignored me. I staggered along sideways across the wet sidewalk until we reached the Volvo. “放开我!”我坚持道。他不理会我。我一路跌跌撞撞地走着,时而踏上湿漉漉的人行道边缘,时而跌到人行道下。
Then he finally freed me — I stumbled against the passenger door. 直到我们走到那辆沃尔沃前,他才放开我。——我撞到了乘客座的门上。
"You are so pushy!" I grumbled. “你太专制了!”我抱怨道。
"It's open," was all he responded. He got in the driver's side. “门开着。”这就是他全部的回应。他坐进了驾驶座。
"I am perfectly capable of driving myself home!" I stood by the car, fuming. “我完全能够自己开车回家!”我站在车旁,怒气冲冲地说道。
It was raining harder now, and I'd never put my hood up, so my hair was dripping down my back. 雨势变大了,我一直没戴上兜帽,所以现在我的头发在我的背上滴着水。
He lowered the automatic window and leaned toward me across the seat. "Get in, Bella." 他降下自动升降车窗,侧身越过乘客座靠向我:“上车,贝拉。”
I didn't answer. I was mentally calculating my chances of reaching the truck before he could catch me. 我没回答。我正在脑海里计算着在他抓住我以前我能跑回我的卡车的机会有多大。
I had to admit, they weren't good. 我不得不承认,胜算不大。