英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第72期:第五章 血型(25)(在线收听

 "Do you approve?" he asked. “你赞成吗?”他问道。

"Does it matter?" I countered. "I want her to be happy… and he is who she wants." “有区别吗?”我反驳道。“我只希望她快乐……而他正是她想要的那个人。”
"That's very generous… I wonder," he mused. “这样做很有雅量……我认为是的。”他若有所思地说。
"What?" “什么?”
"Would she extend the same courtesy to you, do you think? No matter who your choice was?" “你认为她会用同样的善意来包容你吗?不管你选择了什么样的人?”
He was suddenly intent, his eyes searching mine. 他忽然热心起来,他的眼睛对上了我的视线。
"I-I think so," I stuttered. "But she's the parent, after all. It's a little bit different." “我——我想会的。”我结结巴巴地说道。“但她毕竟是家长。这有些不太一样。”
"No one too scary then," he teased. “那就没人能算得上是让人害怕了。”他嘲弄道。
I grinned in response. "What do you mean by scary? Multiple facial piercings and extensive tattoos?" 我露齿一笑,反驳道:“你说的让人害怕是什么意思?满脸的穿孔和一大堆的纹身?”
"That's one definition, I suppose." “那是其中一种定义,我想。”
"What's your definition?" “你的定义是什么?”
But he ignored my question and asked me another. "Do you think that I could be scary?" 但他无视我的提问,却问了我另一个问题。
He raised one eyebrow, and the faint trace of a smile lightened his face. “你认为我会让人害怕吗?”他挑起一侧眉头,淡淡的笑意点亮了他的脸。
I thought for a moment, wondering whether the truth or a lie would go over better. 我想了一会儿,不知道实情和谎言哪个会更受欢迎。
I decided to go with the truth. "Hmmm… I think you could be, if you wanted to." 我最终决定说实话。“呃……我想你会的,如果你想的话。”
"Are you frightened of me now?" The smile vanished, and his heavenly face was suddenly serious. “你现在怕我吗?”笑容忽然消失了,他天使一样的脸严峻起来。
"No." But I answered too quickly. The smile returned. “不怕。”但我回答得太快了点。笑容又回到了他脸上。
"So, now are you going to tell me about your family?" I asked to distract him. 
"It's got to be a much more interesting story than mine." “那么,现在你打算告诉我你家人的事了吗?”为了转移他的注意力,我问道。“那一定比我的故事更有趣。”
He was instantly cautious. "What do you want to know?" 他立刻警惕起来:“你想知道什么?”
"The Cullens adopted you?" I verified. “你是卡伦家收养的孩子?”我向他求证。
"Yes." “是的。”