英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第131期:第八章 天使港(16)(在线收听

 The restaurant wasn't crowded—it was the off-season in Port Angeles. 餐厅里并不拥挤——现在是天使港的淡季。

The host was female, and I understood the look in her eyes as she assessed Edward. 店主是女的,当她审视着爱德华的时候,我读出了她眼里的神情。
She welcomed him a little more warmly than necessary. 她热情地有些过火地欢迎他的光临。
I was surprised by how much that bothered me. 我吃惊地发现,这居然会让我如此心烦意乱。
She was several inches taller than I was, and unnaturally blond. 她比我高几英寸,漂亮得简直违背了自然规律。
"A table for two?" His voice was alluring, whether he was aiming for that or not. “有两个人的位置吗?”不管他是有意的还是无意的,他的声音都太诱人了。
I saw her eyes flicker to me and then away, 我看见她的眼睛飞快地瞥了我一眼,然后移开了。
satisfied by my obvious ordinariness, and by the cautious, no-contact space Edward kept between us. 显然她对我的相貌平平,还有爱德华出于谨慎,在我们之间保持着的毫无身体接触的距离感到相当地满意。
She led us to a table big enough for four in the center of the most crowded area of the dining floor. 她把我们带到用餐区里人最多的地方的正中,一张足以坐下四个人的桌子旁。
I was about to sit, but Edward shook his head at me. 我正要坐下,爱德华却向摇了摇头。
"Perhaps something more private?" he insisted quietly to the host. “也许换个更私密些的地方?”他安静地向店主坚持着。
I wasn't sure, but it looked like he smoothly handed her a tip. 我不太敢肯定,但看上去他熟练地给了她一点小费。
I'd never seen anyone refuse a table except in old movies. 我从没见过有人拒绝一个座位,除了在老电影里。
"Sure." She sounded as surprised as I was. “当然。”她听起来和我一样吃惊。
She turned and led us around a partition to a small ring of booths—all of them empty. 她转身领着我们绕过一堵隔墙,走到小小的一圈卡座前——所有的卡座都是空的。
"How's this?" “这里怎么样?”
"Perfect." He flashed his gleaming smile, dazing her momentarily. “好极了。”他熠熠生辉的笑容一闪而过,立刻把她迷住了。
"Um"—she shook her head, blinking—"your server will be right out." “呃。”——她摇了摇头,眨着眼睛——“你的侍者马上就到。”
She walked away unsteadily. 她步伐不稳地走开了。
"You really shouldn't do that to people," I criticized. "It's hardly fair." “你真的不应该对别人这样做。”我批评道。“这太不公平了。”
"Do what?" “做什么?”
"Dazzle them like that—she's probably hyperventilating in the kitchen right now." “像那样迷得她们晕头转向——她现在可能正在厨房里大口大口地喘气呢。”
He seemed confused. 他似乎很困惑。