英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第133期:第八章 天使港(18)(在线收听

 "Just the same, I'll feel better when you have some sugar and food in you." “还是一样,只要你能吃点甜食和食物进去,我会感觉好些。”

Right on cue, the waitress appeared with our drinks and a basket of breadsticks. 就好像得到暗示一样,那个女招待带着我们的饮料和一篮烘焙面包卷出现了。
She stood with her back to me as she placed them on the table. 当她把这些东西摆上桌的时候,她背对着我站着。
"Are you ready to order?" she asked Edward. “您准备好点餐了吗?”她问爱德华。
"Bella?" he asked. She turned unwillingly toward me. “贝拉?”他问道。她极不情愿地转过身来面向我。
I picked the first thing I saw on the menu. "Um... I'll have the mushroom ravioli." 我点了我在菜单上看到的第一样东西。“呃……我要蘑菇馄饨。”
"And you?" She turned back to him with a smile. “你呢?”她转身微笑着看着他。
"Nothing for me," he said. Of course not. “不用了。”他说道。当然不用了。
"Let me know if you change your mind." “如果你改变主意的话,让我知道。”
The coy smile was still in place, but he wasn't looking at her, and she left dissatisfied. 那个羞答答的微笑依然恰当地挂在那里,但他根本就没在看她,她不高兴地走了。
"Drink," he ordered. “喝吧。”他下令道。
I sipped at my soda obediently, and then drank more deeply, surprised by how thirsty I was. 我顺从地啜饮着我的苏打水,然后大口喝了起来。我惊讶地发现原来我是这么的渴。
I realized I had finished the whole thing when he pushed his glass toward me. 当他把他那瓶推给我的时候,我才意识到我已经喝完一整瓶了。
"Thanks," I muttered, still thirsty. “谢谢。”我低声说着,还是觉得很渴。
The cold from the icy soda was radiating through my chest, and I shivered. 从冰镇苏打水上传来的寒意传遍了我的脸颊,我不禁打了个哆嗦。
"Are you cold?" “你冷吗?”
"It's just the Coke," I explained, shivering again. “只是可乐的缘故。”我解释道,又打了个冷战。
"Don't you have a jacket?" His voice was disapproving. “你没带夹克外套吗?”他的声音里充满了不赞成。
"Yes." I looked at the empty bench next to me. "Oh—I left it in Jessica's car," I realized. “带了。”我看着身旁那张空空的长椅。“哦——我把它落在杰西卡的车上了。”我这才想起来。
Edward was shrugging out of his jacket. 爱德华开始把他的夹克外套脱下来。
I suddenly realized that I had never once noticed what he was wearing not just tonight, but ever. 我忽然意识到,我一次也没有注意过他的穿着不只是今晚,从来都是。
I just couldn't seem to look away from his face. 我只是没法让自己的视线从他脸上移开。
I made myself look now, focusing. 现在,我强迫自己去看他的衣着,专心地看。
He was removing a light beige leather jacket now; underneath he wore an ivory turtleneck sweater. 他正在脱下来的是一件浅米黄色的皮夹克,里面穿着一件象牙白色的高领毛衣。
It fit him snugly, emphasizing how muscular his chest was. 这件毛衣紧贴着他,强调着他的胸膛是那么的强壮。