英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第135期:第八章 天使港(20)(在线收听

 His eyes narrowed. "More theories?" 他的眼睛眯缝起来。“又有理论了?”

"Mm-hm." I chewed on a small bite of the bread, trying to look indifferent. “嗯哼。”我咬了一小口面包,试图让自己的表情显得淡漠些。
"I hope you were more creative this time...or are you still stealing from comic books?" “我希望你这次能更有创造性些……或者,你还在窃取漫画书里的理论吗?”
His faint smile was mocking; his eyes were still tight. 他淡淡的笑容里充满了嘲讽,但他的眼睛依然紧绷着。
"Well, no, I didn't get it from a comic book, but I didn't come up with it on my own, either," I confessed. “嗯,不是,我不是从漫画书里看到的,但我也不是自己想出来的。”我供认道。
"And?" he prompted. “还有呢?”他催促着。
But then the waitress strode around the partition with my food. 但这时候,那个女招待又绕过那堵隔墙,拿着我的食物大步走过来。
I realized we'd been unconsciously leaning toward each other across the table, because we both straightened up as she approached. 我意识到我们两个都无意识地从桌子上向对方靠过去,因为当她走过来的时候我们都退回去坐直了身子。
She set the dish in front of me—it looked pretty good—and turned quickly to Edward. 她把菜放到我面前——看起来相当地美味——然后飞快地转过身去面向爱德华。
"Did you change your mind?" she asked. "Isn't there anything I can get you?" “您改变主意了吗?”她问道。“真的没有什么我能为您效劳的吗?”
I may have been imagining the double meaning in her words. 我已经开始想象她话里的双重含义了。
"No, thank you, but some more soda would be nice." “不用了,谢谢。不过,最好再拿点苏打水过来。”
He gestured with a long white hand to the empty cups in front of me. 他用纤长雪白的手向我面前的空杯子做了个手势。
"Sure." She removed the empty glasses and walked away. “没问题。”她拿上那两个空杯子,走开了。
"You were saying?" he asked. “你刚刚说到?”他问道。
"I'll tell you about it in the car. If..." I paused. “我会在车里告诉你的。如果……”我停了下来。
"There are conditions?" He raised one eyebrow, his voice ominous. “还有条件?”他挑起一侧眉头,声音里充满了不祥的预兆。
"I do have a few questions, of course." “当然,我确实有几个问题要问。”
"Of course." “当然。”
The waitress was back with two more Cokes. 那个女招待又拿着两瓶可乐回来了。
She sat them down without a word this time, and left again. 这次她放下东西,什么也没说,又离开了。
I took a sip. 我喝了一小口可乐。
"Well, go ahead," he pushed, his voice still hard. “好了,继续说。”他敦促着我,声音依然紧绷着。
I started with the most undemanding. Or so I thought.  我从最容易的那个问起。或者只有我这样认为。