英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第138期:第九章 理论(2)(在线收听

 "No, it's just me. And I can't hear anyone, anywhere. I have to be fairly close. “不,只有我是这样。而且我也不是可以听到任何地方任何人的心。我得靠得相当近。

The more familiar someone's... 'voice' is, the farther away I can hear them. 越熟悉某人的……‘声音’,我就能从越远的地方听到他们。
But still, no more than a few miles." 但始终,不能超过几英里的距离。”
He paused thoughtfully. 他停下来想了想。
"It's a little like being in a huge hall filled with people, everyone talking at once. “就好比在一个巨大的挤满人的礼堂里,同一时刻每个人都在说话。
It's just a hum—a buzzing of voices in the background. 那只是一阵嗡嗡声一阵嗡嗡的背景声。
Until I focus on one voice, and then what they're thinking is clear." 直到我把注意里集中在某个声音上,他们所想的才会清晰起来。”
"Most of the time I tune it all out—it can be very distracting. “大多数时候我都会把它们拒之耳外实在是太烦人了。
And then it's easier to seem normal—" he frowned as he said the word— 而且这样会能让我显得更正常些——”他说这话时皱了皱眉
"When I'm not accidentally answering someone's thoughts rather than their words." “我就不会出人意料地回答某人心中未出口的疑问。”
"Why do you think you can't hear me? "I asked curiously. “为什么你认为你听不到我的‘心声’呢?”我好奇地问道。
He looked at me, his eyes enigmatic. 他看着我,眼里写满了不可思议。
"I don't know," he murmured. “我不知道。”他喃喃低语道。
"The only guess I have is that maybe your mind doesn't work the same way the rest of theirs do. “我唯一的猜想是也许你的脑子运作的方式和所有别的人都不一样。
Like your thoughts are on the AM frequency and I'm only getting FM." 就像是你的思想在AM频道,而我只能收到FM。”
He grinned at me, suddenly amused. 他向我咧嘴一笑,忽然打趣道。
"My mind doesn't work right? I'm a freak?" “我的脑子不正常?我是个怪胎?”
The words bothered me more than they should probably because his speculation hit home. 这些话比预期的更让我困扰也许是因为他的推测正中要害。
I'd always suspected as much, and it embarrassed me to have it confirmed. 我时常怀疑着这一点,而当它被证实时让我感到局促不安。
"I hear voices in my mind and you're worried that you're the freak," he laughed. “我能听到脑子里的声音,而你却在担心你是怪胎。”他大笑着。
"Don't worry, it's just a theory..." His face tightened. “别担心,那只是个理论……”他的脸绷紧了。
"Which brings us back to you." I sighed. How to begin? “现在让我们回到你的理论上吧。”我叹了口气。从何说起?