英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第139期:第九章 理论(3)(在线收听

 "Aren't we past all the evasions now?" he reminded me softly. “我们现在都不应该逃避,对吧?”他温柔地提醒我。

I looked away from his face for the first time, trying to find words. 我头一次把目光从他脸上移开,搜肠刮肚地想要找出合适的言语来表达。
I happened to notice the speedometer. 我无意中注意到了速度计。
"Holy crow!" I shouted. "Slow down!" “我的天啊!”我喊出声来。“减速!”
"What's wrong?" He was startled. But the car didn't decelerate. “怎么了?”他吓了一跳,但车速并没有放慢。
"You're going a hundred miles an hour!" I was still shouting. “你开到了每小时一百英里!”我依然在大喊。
I shot a panicky glance out the window, but it was too dark to see much. 我惊慌失措地看了一眼窗外,但外面太黑了,我什么也看不见。
The road was only visible in the long patch of bluish brightness from the headlights. 路面上只有被前灯微蓝的光线照到的长长的一片能看得清。
The forest along both sides of the road was like a black wall as hard as a wall of steel if we veered off the road at this speed. 路两旁的森林就像两堵黑色的墙,如果我们用这个速度冲出路面,它们会坚固得像铜墙铁壁一样。
"Relax, Bella." He rolled his eyes, still not slowing. “放轻松,贝拉。”他转了转眼睛,还是没有减速。
"Are you trying to kill us?" I demanded. “你想杀了我们吗?”我诘问道。
"We're not going to crash." “我们不会撞车的。”
I tried to modulate my voice. "Why are you in such a hurry?" 我试着调整自己的声音。“你为什么要这么匆忙呢?”
"I always drive like this." He turned to smile crookedly at me. “我一向开这么快。”他转过头来,向我弯弯一笑。
"Keep your eyes on the road!" “你给我看着路面!”
"I've never been in an accident, Bella. I've never even gotten a ticket." “我从没出过事故,贝拉,我甚至没有吃过罚单。”
He grinned and tapped his forehead. "Built-in radar detector." 他咧嘴一笑,拍了拍他的额头。“内置雷达探测器。”
"Very funny." I fumed. "Charlie's a cop, remember? “很有趣。”我怒气冲冲地说着。“查理是个警察,还记得吧?
I was raised to abide by traffic laws. 我是被教育着要遵纪守法长大的。
Besides, if you turn us into a Volvo pretzel around a tree trunk, you can probably just walk away." 另外,即使你把我们变成了树干上的沃尔沃夹心饼,你也许还是可以全身而退。”
"Probably," he agreed with a short, hard laugh. “也许。”他发出一声短促的、勉强的笑声,赞同道。
"But you can't." He sighed, and I watched with relief as the needle gradually drifted toward eighty. "Happy?" “但你不能。”他叹息道。我宽慰地看到指针渐渐回落到八十英里处。“高兴了?”
"Almost." "I hate driving slow," he muttered. “差不多。”“我不喜欢开慢车。”他抱怨着。