英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第140期:第九章 理论(4)(在线收听

 "This is slow?" “这叫慢?”

"Enough commentary on my driving," he snapped. "I'm still waiting for your latest theory." “就我的驾驶而言,相当中肯。”他忽然改变了话题。“我还等着听你的最新理论呢。”
I bit my lip. He looked down at me, his honey eyes unexpectedly gentle. 我咬住唇。他低头看着我,蜜糖似的眼神出奇地温柔。
"I won't laugh," he promised. “我不会笑的。”他保证道。
"I'm more afraid that you'll be angry with me." “我更怕你会生我的气。”
"Is it that bad?" “有那么糟吗?”
"Pretty much, yeah." “没错,相当严重。”
He waited. I was looking down at my hands, so I couldn't see his expression. 他等待着。我埋头看着自己的双手,这样我就看不见他的表情了。
"Go ahead." His voice was calm. “接着说。”他的声音很平静。
"I don't know how to start," I admitted. “我不知道从何说起。”我坦白道。
Why don't you start at the beginning... you said you didn't come up with this on your own." “为什么不从头说起呢……你说你不是自己想出来的。”
"No." “不是。”
"What got you started—a book? A movie?" he probed. “你是从哪儿开始的?一本书?一部电影?”他试探着说。
"No—it was Saturday, at the beach." I risked a glance up at his face. He looked puzzled. “不是周六,在海滩上。”我冒险瞄了一眼他的脸。他看上去很困惑。
"I ran into an old family friend Jacob Black," I continued. “我碰巧遇到了一位世交好友雅克布·布莱克。”我继续说道。
"His dad and Charlie have been friends since I was a baby." He still looked confused. “我还是个婴儿的时候,他爸爸和查理就已经是老朋友了。”他依然一脸困惑。
"His dad is one of the Quileute elders." “他爸爸是奎鲁特人的长老之一。”
I watched him carefully. His confused expression froze in place. 我小心翼翼地看着他。他困惑的神情立刻凝在了脸上。
"We went for a walk—"I edited all my scheming out of the story— “我们一起散步”我去掉了故事里关于我的阴谋的那部分
"and he was telling me some old legends trying to scare me, I think. He told me one..."I hesitated. “他告诉了我一些古老的传说只是想要吓唬我,我想。他告诉了我一个……”我踌躇起来。
"Go on," he said. “继续。”他说。