英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第143期:第九章 理论(7)(在线收听

 "I'm right?" I gasped. “我是对的?”我喘息着说。

"Does it matter?" I took a deep breath. “这要紧吗?”我深吸了一口气。
"Not really." I paused. "But I am curious." My voice, at least, was composed. “不怎么要紧。”我顿了顿。“但我很好奇。”只是,我的声音维持着平静。
He was suddenly resigned. "What are you curious about?" 他忽然顺从起来:“你好奇什么?”
"How old are you?" “你几岁了?”
"Seventeen," he answered promptly. “十七岁。”他迅速答道。
"And how long have you been seventeen?" His lips twitched as he stared at the road. “你满十七岁多久了?”当他注视着路面的时候,他的嘴唇扭曲起来。
"A while," he admitted at last. “有一阵子了。”他最终承认道。
"Okay." I smiled, pleased that he was still being honest with me. “很好。”我笑了起来,对他依然对我坦诚这一点很高兴。
He stared down at me with watchful eyes, much as he had before, when he was worried I would go into shock. 他低下头,用警惕的眼神看着我,就像他之前所做的那样,那时他正担心着我会不会震惊得休克过去。
I smiled wider in encouragement, and he frowned. 因为受到这样的鼓励,我笑得更开怀了,而他皱起了眉头。
"Don't laugh—but how can you come out during the daytime?" He laughed anyway. “不许笑——可你是怎么能够在白天出来的呢?”他总算笑了。
"Myth." "Burned by the sun?" “鬼扯。”“被阳光灼烧?”
"Myth." "Sleeping in coffins?" "Myth." “鬼扯。”“睡在棺材里?”“鬼扯。”
He hesitated for a moment, and a peculiar tone entered his voice. "I can't sleep." 他迟疑了片刻,他的声音带上了某种奇特的语气。“我不用睡觉。”
It took me a minute to absorb that. "At all?" 我用了一分钟才消化了这句话。“完全不用?”
"Never," he said, his voice nearly inaudible. “从来不用。”他说道,他的声音几不可闻。
He turned to look at me with a wistful expression. 他转过头来,用一种渴望的神情看着我。
The golden eyes held mine, and I lost my train of thought. 那双金色的眸子抓住了我的眼睛,我完全丧失了思考的能力。
I stared at him until he looked away. 我凝视着他,直到他看向别处为止。