英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第144期:第九章 理论(8)(在线收听

 "You haven't asked me the most important question yet." “你还没问我那个最重要的问题。”

His voice was hard now, and when he looked at me again his eyes were cold. 现在他的声音又生硬起来了,当他再次看向我时,他的眼睛冷冰冰的。
I blinked, still dazed. "Which one is that?" 我眨了眨眼,依然迷茫着。“哪一个?”
"You aren't concerned about my diet?" he asked sarcastically. “你不关心我的日常饮食吗?”他挖苦地问道。
"Oh," I murmured, "that." “哦。”我喃喃地说着。“那个。”
"Yes, that." His voice was bleak. “是的,那个。”他的声音很阴冷。
"Don't you want to know if I drinkblood?"I flinched. “你不想知道我是否饮血吗?”我畏缩着。
"Well, Jacob said something about that." “嗯,雅克布有说过一些这方面的内容。”
"What did Jacob say?" he asked flatly. “雅克布怎么说的?”他冷漠地问道。
"He said you didn't...hunt people. “他说你不……猎食人类。
He said your family wasn't supposed to be dangerous because you only hunted animals." 他说你的家族应该不会有危险性,因为你们只猎食动物。”
"He said we weren't dangerous?" His voice was deeply skeptical. “他说我们不危险?”他的声音里有着深深的怀疑。
"Not exactly. He said you weren't supposed to be dangerous. “不太确切。他是说你们应该没有不危险。
But the Quileutes still didn't want you on their land, just in case." 但奎鲁特人依然不想让你们踏入他们的土地,只是以防万一。”
He looked forward, but I couldn't tell if he was watching the road or not. 他看着前方,但我说不准他是是不是在看路面。
"So was he right? About not hunting people?" I tried to keep my voice as even as possible. “那他说得对吗?关于不猎食人类这一点?”我竭力让自己的声音尽可能地保持正常。
"The Quileutes have a long memory," he whispered. “奎鲁特人的记性不错。”他低声说道。
I took it as a confirmation. 我把这句话当作一个肯定。
"Don't let that make you complacent, though," he warned me. “不过,别因为这个沾沾自喜。”他警告我。
"They're right to keep their distance from us. We are still dangerous." “就和我们保持距离这一点来说,他们是正确的。我们依然很危险。”
"I don't understand." “我不明白。”
"We try," he explained slowly. “我们是在尝试,”他慢条斯理地解释着。
"We're usually very good at what we do. Sometimes we make mistakes. “我们通常很善于自我控制。但有时我们会犯错误。
Me, for example, allowing myself to be alone with you." 我,比方说,让自己和你独处。”
"This is a mistake?" I heard the sadness in my voice, but I didn't know if he could as well. “这是个错误?”我听出了自己声音里的悲哀,但我不知道他是否也能听出来。
"A very dangerous one," he murmured. “一个非常危险的错误。”他低声说着。