英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第146期:第九章 理论(10)(在线收听

 "Sometimes it's more difficult than others." “有些时候,这会比别的时候更困难些。”

"Is it very difficult for you now?" I asked. “现在这对你来说很困难吗?”我问道。
He sighed. "Yes." 他叹息着。“是的。”
"But you're not hungry now," I said confidently—stating, not asking. “但你现在不饿。”我肯定地说——是陈述,而非询问。
"Why do you think that?" “为什么你会这样想呢?”
"Your eyes. I told you I had a theory. “你的眼睛。我告诉过你我有一个理论。
I've noticed that people—men in particular—are crabbier when they're hungry." 我注意到人们——尤其是男人——饥饿的时候会更暴躁些。”
He chuckled. "You are observant, aren't you?" 他轻笑着:“你是个观察家,不是吗?”
I didn't answer; I just listened to the sound of his laugh, committing it to memory. 我没有回答。我只是听着他的笑声,把它铭刻在记忆里。
"Were you hunting this weekend, with Emmett?" I asked when it was quiet again. “你上周末去狩猎了吗,和艾美特一起?”当我们再次安静下来的时候,我问道。
"Yes." He paused for a second, as if deciding whether or not to say something. “是的。”他停顿了一秒,似乎在决定某件事该不该说。
"I didn't want to leave, but it was necessary. “我不想离开,但这很有必要。
It's a bit easier to be around you when I'm not thirsty." 当我不那么渴的时候,待在你周围会更容易些。”
"Why didn't you want to leave?" “为什么你不想离开呢?”
"It makes me... anxious... to be away from you." “这让我……不安……因为不在你身边。”
His eyes were gentle but intense, and they seemed to be making my bones turn soft. 他的眼睛很温柔,但有些紧张,它们几乎要让我的骨头都酥了。
"I wasn't joking when I asked you to try not to fall in the ocean or get run over last Thursday. “上周三我要你千万别掉进海里,或者别被绊倒,那不是在开玩笑。
I was distracted all weekend, worrying about you. 整个周末我都心浮气躁,担心着你。
And after what happened tonight, I'm surprised that you did make it through a whole weekend unscathed." 而在今晚发生的事以后,我很惊讶,你居然能毫发无损地平安度过整个周末。”
He shook his head, and then seemed to remember something. "Well, not totally unscathed." 他摇了摇头,似乎想起了什么。“好吧,并不是完全毫发无损。”