英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第163期:第十章 审问(11)(在线收听

 I admitted. "It wasn't so bad." 我承认道。“味道没那么糟。”

He laughed. "I suppose I'm not surprised." 他大笑起来:“我猜我不会惊讶的。”
Something over my shoulder seemed to catch his attention. 我背后的某些事物吸引了他的注意力。
"Jessica's analyzing everything I do—she'll break it down for you later." “杰西卡正在分析我的一举一动——稍后她会为你一一分解的。”
He pushed the rest of the pizza toward me. 他把剩下的披萨推给我。
The mention of Jessica brought a hint of his former irritation back to his features. 提到杰西卡像是一种暗示,他早先的懊恼又回到了他脸上。
I put down the apple and took a bite of the pizza, looking away, knowing he was about to start. 我放下苹果,咬了一口披萨,然后看向别处,想知道他将要怎样开口。
"So the waitress was pretty, was she?" he asked casually. “那么,那个女招待很漂亮,对吗?”他若无其事地问道。
"You really didn't notice?" “你真的没注意到?”
"No. I wasn't paying attention. I had a lot on my mind." “没有。我完全没在注意她。我脑子里有太多事情要想。”
"Poor girl." I could afford to be generous now. “可怜的女孩。”现在我能够表示宽容了。
"Something you said to Jessica...well, it bothers me." He refused to be distracted. “你和杰西卡说的某件事……嗯,困扰着我。”他拒绝被转移话题。
His voice was husky, and he glanced up from under his lashes with troubled eyes. 他的声音沙哑着,他不平静的双眼从睫毛下凝视着我。
"I'm not surprised you heard something you didn't like. You know what they say about eavesdropners," I reminded him. “我对你会听到你不喜欢的内容毫不惊讶。你知道他们是怎么谈论窃听者的。”我提醒他。
"I warned you I would be listening." “我预先告诉过你我会听的。”
"And I warned you that you didn't want to know everything I was thinking." “而我预先告诉过你你不会想要知道我在想的每一件事的。”
"You did," he agreed, but his voice was still rough. "You aren't precisely right, though. “你有提过。”他同意道,但他的声音还是很沙哑。“但你说得并不贴切。
I do want to know what you're thinking—everything. I just wish... that you wouldn't be thinking some things." 我确实想要知道你在想什么——每一个细节。我只是希望……你不应该那样认为某件事。”
I scowled. "That's quite a distinction." 我皱起眉。“这确实有很大区别。”
"But that's not really the point at the moment." “但这不是现在我要说的重点。”
"Then what is?" We were inclined toward each other across the table now. “那么,重点是?”现在我们都从桌子上方向对方倾斜过去。
He had his large white hands folded under his chin; I leaned forward, my right hand cupped around my neck. 他把那双雪白的大手交叠在下鄂之下。我向前侧着身子,我的右手握成杯形放在脖子下。
I had to remind myself that we were in a crowded lunchroom, with probably many curious eyes on us. 我不得不提醒自己我们是在坐满了人的午餐室里,也许还有很多双好奇的眼睛注视着我们。