【大家说英语】 第103期:遗失的钱包(在线收听

 Lesson 10 Talk About It 第十课 主题讨论

January 23 1月23日
The Lost Wallet 遗失的皮夹
Allison was looking for a snack in the store. 爱莉森在店里找着点心,
She didn't want to spend a lot of money, but she was very hungry. 她不想花太多钱,可是肚子又非常饿。
She saw some chips and some candy. 她看到了一些洋芋片和一些糖果。
Then she saw a wallet! 接着,她看见一个皮夹!
The wallet was lying on the floor! 那个皮夹就掉在地上!
Someone dropped it there, then left the store without it. 有人把皮夹掉在那里,就这么离开了这家店。
Now the wallet was lost! 现在,那个皮夹成了遗失物!
What should Allison do with it? 爱莉森该拿它怎么办?
Allison picked up the wallet and looked inside. 爱莉森把皮夹捡起来,看了看里面。
The wallet was full of money! 皮夹里装满了钱!
The wallet's owner would need the money back. 这个皮夹的主人一定会需要找回这些钱。
But who was the owner? 可是皮夹的主人是谁呢?
Allison looked in the wallet again and found an ID. 爱莉森又检查了一次皮夹,在里面找到了一张身分证件。
The ID said Steven Thompson. 身分证件上的姓名是史蒂芬.汤普森。
But now Allison had a new problem. 可是现在爱莉森又有了个新问题,
How would she return the wallet to him? 她该如何把皮夹还给他?
The ID card had an address on it. 身分证上有个地址,
Allison could take the wallet there, but that might not be easy. 爱莉森可以把皮夹拿去那里,可是这点恐怕不容易做到;
Allison could take the wallet to the police. 她可以把皮夹交给警察,
They could contact the owner. 他们能够联络失主;
Allison looked at the cashier. 爱莉森看着出纳员,
Maybe she should give the wallet to him. 也许她该把皮夹交给他,
Maybe Steven Thompson would come back for it. 说不定史蒂芬.汤普森先生会回来拿。
What would you do? 你会怎么做?