【大家说英语】 第157期:一起合作(在线收听

 Lesson 9 Work 第九课 工作

April 20 4月20日
Let's Work Together! 一起合作!
Read it! 读读看!
The governor is coming to town to open a new bridge across the river. 州长要到城里来为一座横跨河流的新桥梁剪彩,
She is also coming to the station. 她也会到电视台来参观。
Carol told Taylor to delegate the jobs to get ready. 卡萝要求泰乐分派准备工作,
With a little teamwork, everything will be fine. 只要大家配合来点团队合作,一切都不会有问题。
Jim and Susie check the lobby. 吉姆和苏希检查大厅,
The janitor can shine the floor. 工友可以擦亮地板,
And he can fix a light. 他也可以修理电灯。
Conversation A 会话A
The governor is coming to town tomorrow! 州长明天就要到城里来了!
I know. Are you feeling better about the reception? 是啊, 妳对欢迎会有没有比较不紧张了?
Yes. I have a few ideas for small talk. 比较好了,我有一些闲聊的点子。
That's good. Do you know why the governor is coming to town? 那就好。妳知道州长为什么要来我们城里吗?
She's opening the new bridge across the river. 她要为一座横跨河流的新桥梁剪彩。
Oh, right! I forgot. 喔,对!我都忘了。
You should watch our news program more often! 妳应该多看看我们的新闻节目!
Conversation B 会话B
Rob, Susie! You're not going to believe this! 罗柏,苏希!你们一定不会相信的!
Why? What's going on? 为什么?发生了什么事?
The governor's office just called. 州长办公室刚打电话过来,
Governor Johnson is coming to the station! 强森州长要到电视台来!
What? 什么?
Yes. She's coming here tomorrow morning at 10:00. 没错,她明天早上十点会到。
I have so much to do. 我有好多事情要做…
Taylor, you can't do everything. 泰乐,妳一个人没办法做所有的事情,
Other people can help you. 别人可以帮妳的忙。
Yes. Teamwork is the best way to get things done. 没错。团队合作是完成工作最棒的方法。
Conversation C 会话C
Taylor is trying to do everything for the governor's visit. 泰乐想要把州长来访的准备工作全都揽在自己身上。
Carol told her to delegate. 卡萝要求她分派工作,
And she did. A little. 而她也照做了, 一点点啦。
Yes. You and I are checking the lobby. 没错,妳和我要检查大厅。
So what do you think? 妳有什么想法?
Let's get some flowers for the front desk. 我们买些花摆在服务台上吧。
OK. And ask the janitor to shine the floor tonight. 好,还要请工友今天晚上把地板擦亮。
He needs to fix that light, too. 他也需要修理那盏电灯。
Good. Then the lobby's fine. I'll tell Taylor. 好,那大厅就没问题了。我会告诉泰乐。