英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第208期:第十二章 平衡(20)(在线收听

 I tried to keep my eyes away from his perfection as much as possible, but I slipped often. 我努力让自己的眼睛看向别处,尽可能地不去注意他的完美,但我还是常常偷瞄他。

Each time, his beauty pierced me through with sadness. 每一次,他的俊美都刺痛了我,带来一阵悲哀。
For the most part, we walked in silence. 大多数时候,我们都沉默地走着。
Occasionally he would ask a random question that he hadn't gotten to in the past two days of interrogation. 偶尔他会胡乱地提问,问一个在过去两天的审问里他没有问及的问题。
He asked about my birthdays, my grade school teachers, my childhood pets— 他询问我的生日,我的小学老师,我童年时的宠物——
and I had to admit that after killing three fish in a row, I'd given up on the whole institution. 而我不得不承认在一连养死了三条鱼以后,我放弃了整个计划。
He laughed at that, louder than I was used to—bell-like echoes bouncing back to us from the empty woods. 那时候他大笑起来,比我习惯的还有响亮——银铃般的回声在空荡荡的森林里回响着,回荡在我们身边。
The hike took me most of the morning, but he never showed any sign of impatience. 这趟徒步旅行花掉了我几乎整个上午的时间,但他从未表现出半点不耐烦的迹象。
The forest spread out around us in a boundless labyrinth of ancient trees, 这座森林在我们周围延伸成一座由古树构成的无尽的迷宫,
and I began to be nervous that we would never find our way out again. 我开始不安,生怕我们永远也无法再走出这座森林。
He was perfectly at ease, comfortable in the green maze, never seeming to feel any doubt about our direction. 他却悠然自得,轻松地走在这座绿色的迷宫里,丝毫不对我们的方向感到任何疑虑。
After several hours, the light that filtered through the canopy transformed, the murky olive tone shifting to a brighter jade. 几个小时以后,渗入森林里的来自树庐穹顶的阳光开始发生了改变,由阴郁的黄绿色调变为一种更为明亮的翡翠色。
The day had turned sunny, just as he'd foretold. 天空一定转晴了,就像他之前说过的那样。
For the first time since we'd entered the woods, I felt a thrill of excitement—which quickly turned to impatience. 在我们进入了森林以后,我头一次感到一阵兴奋的颤栗——但很快就变成了不耐烦。
"Are we there yet?" I teased, pretending to scowl. “我们到了吗?”我嘲弄道,假装沉下了脸。
"Nearly." He smiled at the change in my mood. "Do you see the brightness ahead?" “差不多。”看到我心情的改变,他笑了起来。“你看见前头的光亮了吗?”
I peered into the thick forest. "Um, should I?" 我凝望着浓密的丛林。“呃,我应该看到了吗?”
He smirked. "Maybe it's a bit soon for your eyes." 他坏笑起来。“也许对你的眼睛来说早了点。”