英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第211期:第十三章 自白(2)(在线收听

 Hesitantly, always afraid, even now, that he would disappear like a mirage, too beautiful to be real... 我迟疑着,即使是现在,我也总是担心着,生怕他会像海市蜃楼一样消失,他太美丽了,根本不像现实存在的……

hesitantly, I reached out one finger and stroked the back of his shimmering hand, where it lay within my reach. 我迟疑着伸出了一根手指,轻抚着近在咫尺的,他闪烁着微光的手背。
I marveled again at the perfect texture, satin smooth, cool as stone. 我又一次震惊于那完美的肌理,光洁如绸缎,冰冷如石头。
When I looked up again, his eyes were open, watching me. 当我再次抬头看去时,他的眼睛睁开了,正看着我。
Butterscotch today, lighter, warmer after hunting. 今天他的眼睛是奶油糖果的颜色,在狩猎以后,变得更明亮,更温暖了。
His quick smile turned up the corners of his flawless lips. 一抹轻快的笑容浮现在他毫无瑕疵的唇角。
"I don't scare you?" he asked playfully, but I could hear the real curiosity in his soft voice. “我没吓到你吗?”他打趣地问道,但我能听出他柔软的声音里真正的好奇。
"No more than usual." “不比平常多。”
He smiled wider; his teeth flashed in the sun. 他笑得更深了,他的皓齿在阳光下闪闪发光。
I inched closer, stretched out my whole hand now to trace the contours of his forearm with my fingertips. 我缓缓地挪到更近的地方,张开手伸过去,用指尖描摹着他小臂的轮廓。
I saw that my fingers trembled, and knew it wouldn't escape his notice. 我看见自己的手指在颤抖着,知道这一切都逃不过他的注意。
"Do you mind?" I asked, for he had closed his eyes again. “你介意吗?”我问道,因为他又闭上了眼睛。
"No," he said without opening his eyes. "You can't imagine how that feels." He sighed. “不。”他说着,没有睁开眼。“你不会想象到这是什么样的感觉。”他叹息着。
I lightly trailed my hand over the perfect muscles of his arm, followed the faint pattern of bluish veins inside the crease at his elbow. 我轻柔地用手抚过他手臂上完美的肌肉,跟随着他肘弯上浅浅的淡蓝色静脉的纹路。
With my other hand, I reached to turn his hand over. 我伸出另一只手,想把他的手掌翻过来。
Realizing what I wished, he flipped his palm up in one of those blindingly fast, disconcerting movements of his. 他意识到了我想做什么,立刻把掌心翻过来,动作快得看不见,简直让人仓皇失措。
It startled me; my fingers froze on his arm for a brief second. 他的动作让我吓了一跳,我的手指在他手臂上停滞了片刻。