英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第212期:第十三章 自白(3)(在线收听

 "Sorry," he murmured. “对不起。”他低声说道。

I looked up in time to see his golden eyes close again. 我立刻抬起头,看到他金色的眼睛又闭上了。
"It's too easy to be myself with you." “和你在一起让我很放松,很容易做回我自己。”
I lifted his hand, turning it this way and that as I watched the sun glitter on his palm. 我拿起他的手,向自己翻过来,这样我就能看见阳光在他手心里闪烁着。
I held it closer to my face, trying to see the hidden facets in his skin. 我把他的手拿得更靠近自己的脸,试图看清楚藏在他肌肤里的刻面。
"Tell me what you're thinking," he whispered. “告诉我你在想什么。”他耳语道。
I looked to see his eyes watching me, suddenly intent. 我抬起头,看见他正看着我,眼神忽然紧绷起来。
"It's still so strange for me, not knowing." “这对我来说很是很奇怪,没办法知道你在想什么。”
"You know, the rest of us feel that way all the time." “你知道,除你之外的我们所有人始终都是这样,不会知道别人在想什么。”
"It's a hard life." Did I imagine the hint of regret in his tone? "But you didn't tell me." “这是一种艰难的生活。”他语气里的悔意是我自己想象出来的吗?“但你不告诉我。”
"I was wishing I could know what you were thinking..." I hesitated. “我只是在希望着我能知道你在想什么……”我迟疑着。
"And?" “还有呢?”
"I was wishing that I could believe that you were real. And I was wishing that I wasn't afraid." “我在希望着我能相信你是真实存在的。我还希望我不是在害怕。”
"I don't want you to be afraid." “我不想让你害怕。”
His voice was just a soft murmur. 他的声音仅仅是一种柔和的喃喃低语。
I heard what he couldn't truthfully say, that I didn't need to be afraid, that there was nothing to fear. 我听出了他无法深信不疑地说出口的事情——我不必感到害怕,这里没有什么可怕的。
"Well, that's not exactly the fear I meant, though that's certainly something to think about." “嗯,我并没有感到确切的害怕,尽管这确实是要思考的事。”
So quickly that I missed his movement, he was half sitting, propped up on his right arm, his left palm still in my hands. 他的动作太快了,我完全没看见他移动。他半坐起来,用右臂支撑着身体,他的左手掌依然在我的手里。
His angel's face was only a few inches from mine. 他天使般的面孔离我的脸只有几英寸远。
I might have—should have—flinched away from his unexpected closeness, but I was unable to move. 我本可能——本应该——因为他出乎意料的接近而退缩的,但我没法移动。
His golden eyes mesmerized me. 他金色的眸子催眠了我。