英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第213期:第十三章 自白(4)(在线收听

 "What are you afraid of, then?" he whispered intently. “那么,你在害怕着什么?”他专注地看着我,耳语道。

But I couldn't answer. 但我没有回答。
As I had just that once before, I smelled his cool breath in my face. 就像之前我曾经试过一次那样,我闻到了他冰冷的呼吸,呼在我脸上。
Sweet, delicious, the scent made my mouth water. It was unlike anything else. 甜腻,美味,这种香味让我口齿生津。它不像别的任何味道。
Instinctively, unthinkingly, I leaned closer, inhaling. 我本能地,不假思索地靠得更近些,轻嗅着。
And he was gone, his hand ripped from mine. 然后他消失了,他的手从我的手中挣脱出来。
In the time it took my eyes to focus, he was twenty feet away, standing at the edge of the small meadow, in the deep shade of a huge fir tree. 当我凝眸望去的时候,他已在二十英尺外,站在这片小小的草地的边缘,在一棵巨大的杉树的浓重的树荫里。
He stared at me, his eyes dark in the shadows, his expression unreadable. 他注视着我,他的眼睛在阴影里暗沉着,他的表情难以读懂。
I could feel the hurt and shock on my face. My empty hands stung. 我能感到自己脸上的痛楚和震惊。我空空的手心刺痛着。
"I'm... sorry... Edward," I whispered. I knew he could hear. “我……很抱歉……爱德华。”我低声说着。我知道他能听见。
"Give me a moment," he called, just loud enough for my less sensitive ears. I sat very still. “给我一点时间。”他喊道,声量仅仅是我敏感的耳朵刚能听到的程度。我一动不动地坐着。
After ten incredibly long seconds, he walked back, slowly for him. 在漫长得难以置信的十分钟以后,他用对他来说相当缓慢的速度走过来。
He stopped, still several feet away, and sank gracefully to the ground, crossing his legs. 他停在了在几英尺外的地方,优雅地坐到了地上,盘起腿。
His eyes never left mine. 他的目光从未离开过我的眼睛。
He took two deep breaths, and then smiled in apology. 他做了两次深呼吸。然后满怀歉意地笑了。
"I am so very sorry." He hesitated. "Would you understand what I meant if I said I was only human?" “我非常抱歉。”他迟疑道。“如果我说我也只是个人类,你能明白我的意思吗?”