英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第217期:第十三章 自白(8)(在线收听

 "I don't want you to leave," I mumbled pathetically, staring down again. “我不想让你离开。”我悲伤地咬着唇说道,又一次低下了头。

"Which is exactly why I should. “这正是我应该离开的原因。
But don't worry. I'm essentially a selfish creature. 但别担心。我本来就是一个自私的家伙。
I crave your company too much to do what I should." 我太渴望得到你的陪伴了,甚至没办法去做我应该做的事。”
"I'm glad." “我很高兴。”
"Don't be!" “别这样!”
He withdrew his hand, more gently this time; his voice was harsher than usual. 他抽回了他的手,这一次更温柔些。他的声音比平常要刺耳得多。
Harsh for him, still more beautiful than any human voice. 相对他而言是刺耳,但还是比任何人类的声音都要美丽。
It was hard to keep up—his sudden mood changes left me always a step behind, dazed. 我很难跟上他的步调——他突如其来的心情变化总把我抛在一步之外,让我独自彷徨。
"It's not only your company I crave! Never forget that. Never forget I am more dangerous to you than I am to anyone else." “我渴望的可不止是你的陪伴!永远不要忘了这一点。永远不要忘记,我对你的危险性,远胜于我对其他任何人的威胁。”
He stopped, and I looked to see him gazing unseeingly into the forest. 他停了下来,我看过去,只见他向森林里凝望着,却对一切视而不见。
I thought for a moment. 我思索了片刻。
"I don't think I understand exactly what you mean—by that last part anyway," I said. “我不认为我确切地明白了你的意思——最后的那个部分。”我说道。
He looked back at me and smiled, his mood shifting yet again. 他回过头来,看着我,笑了。他的心情又变了。
"How do I explain?" he mused. "And without frightening you again...hmmmm." “我要怎么解释呢?”他若有所思地说着。“不能再吓到你了……呃嗯。”
Without seeming to think about it, he placed his hand back in mine; I held it tightly in both of mine. 不假思索地,他把手放回了我手里,我用双手紧紧地握住他的手。
He looked at our hands. 他看着我们的手。
"That's amazingly pleasant, the warmth." He sighed. “这种感觉愉快得惊人,这种温暖。”他叹息着说。
A moment passed as he assembled his thoughts. 片刻之后,他整理好了自己的思路。
"You know how everyone enjoys different flavors?" he began. "Some people love chocolate ice cream, others prefer strawberry?" “你知道每个人喜欢不同的味道是怎么一回事?”他开始了。“有些人喜欢巧克力口味的冰淇淋,另一些人则更喜欢草莓?”