英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第232期:第十三章 自白(23)(在线收听

 "Bella?" he asked, anxious now. “贝拉?”他问道,有些不安起来。

"I think I need to lie down," I gasped. “我想我需要躺下来。”我喘息着说。
"Oh, sorry." He waited for me, but I still couldn't move. “哦,对不起。”他等着我,但我还是动不了。
"I think I need help," I admitted. “我想我需要帮助。”我坦白道。
He laughed quietly, and gently unloosened my stranglehold on his neck. 他安静地笑了起来,温柔地解开了我紧扣在他脖子上的胳膊。
There was no resisting the iron strength of his hands. 根本没法抵抗他的双手如钢铁般的力量。
Then he pulled me around to face him, cradling me in his arms like a small child. 然后他把我转过来和他面对面,将我环抱在怀里,好像我是个小孩子一样。
He held me for a moment, then carefully placed me on the springy ferns. 他搂着我,片刻之后,小心地把我放到那片柔韧的蕨类植物上。
"How do you feel?" he asked. “你感觉怎么样?”他问道。
I couldn't be sure how I felt when my head was spinning so crazily. "Dizzy, I think." 在我的脑子还在如此疯狂地眩晕着的时候,我不能肯定自己感觉怎么样。“头晕目眩,我想。”
"Put your head between your knees." “把你的头放在膝盖中间。”
I tried that, and it helped a little. 我试着做到这一点,而这确实有些作用。
I breathed in and out slowly, keeping my head very still. 我慢慢地吸气,呼气,让我的头保持不动。
I felt him sitting beside me. 我感到他就坐在我旁边。
The moments passed, and eventually I found that I could raise my head. 过了一会,我发现我终于可以抬起头了。
There was a hollow ringing sound in my ears. 我的耳朵里回荡着空洞的耳鸣声。
"I guess that wasn't the best idea," he mused. “我猜这不是个好主意。”他沉思着,说道。
I tried to be positive, but my voice was weak. "No, it was very interesting." 我试图显得积极些,但我的声音还是很虚弱。“不,这非常有趣。”
"Hah! You're as white as a ghost — no, you're as white as me!" “哈!你白得像个幽灵——不,你白得像我一样!”
"I think I should have closed my eyes." “我想我应该先闭上眼睛的。”
"Remember that next time." “下次记着这一点。”
"Next time!" I groaned. “下次!”我呻吟道。
He laughed, his mood still radiant. 他大笑起来,他的心情依然充满了喜悦。