英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第258期:第十五章 卡伦一家(7)(在线收听

 It was hard to decide what to wear. 实在很难决定要穿什么衣服。

I doubted there were any etiquette books detailing how to dress when your vampire sweetheart takes you home to meet his vampire family. 我怀疑到底有没有专门的礼仪书会详细地介绍当你的吸血鬼达令带你回家见他的吸血鬼家族时应该怎样穿着。
It was a relief to think the word to myself. 能够暗自想到这个词实在是种宽慰。
I knew I shied away from it intentionally. 我知道自己太害羞了,有意不提起这个词。
I ended up in my only skirt—long, khaki-colored, still casual. 我最终穿上了自己唯一的一件打底恤衫——卡其色的长恤衫。
I put on the dark blue blouse he'd once complimented. 我穿起了他曾经称赞过的那件深蓝色的上衣。
A quick glance in the mirror told me my hair was entirely impossible, so I pulled it back into a pony tail. 我飞快地瞥了一眼镜子,告诉自己我的头发完全令人无法容忍,所以我把头发梳到后面束成一个马尾。
"Okay." I bounced down the stairs. "I'm decent." “好吧。”我跳下楼梯。“我很大方得体。”
He was waiting at the foot of the stairs, closer than I'd thought, and I bounded right into him. 他在楼梯底下等着我,离得比我认为的还要紧,而我不偏不倚地向他跳过去。
He steadied me, holding me a careful distance away for a few seconds before suddenly pulling me closer. 他稳住我,把我拉到了一个稍远的谨慎的距离,几秒之后,忽然又把我拉近些。
"Wrong again," he murmured in my ear. “又错了。”他在我耳畔低语着。
"You are utterly indecent—no one should look so tempting, it's not fair." “你绝对不够得上大方得体——谁都不应该穿得这样诱人的。这不公平。”
"Tempting how?" I asked. "I can change..." “怎样才算得体?”我问道。“我可以去换……”
He sighed, shaking his head. "You are so absurd." 他叹息着,摇了摇头。“你太荒谬了。”
He pressed his cool lips delicately to my forehead, and the room spun. 他优雅地把冰冷的唇印在我的前额上,我的脑子一片混乱。
The smell of his breath made it impossible to think. 他呼吸的香气让我根本没办法思考。
"Shall I explain how you are tempting me?" he said. “我应该向你解释你现在是如何诱或着我吗?”他说着。
It was clearly a rhetorical question. 这实在是一个很符合修辞学的问题。
His fingers traced slowly down my spine, his breath coming more quickly against my skin. 他的手指慢慢地描着我的脊柱,他的呼吸越来越急促地拂过我的肌肤。
My hands were limp on his chest, and I felt lightheaded again. 我的双手抵在他的胸前,我又开始感到头晕眼花了。
He tilted his head slowly and touched his cool lips to mine for the second time, very carefully, parting them slightly. 他慢慢地俯下头,用冰冷的唇吻上了我的唇,但只过了一秒钟,便非常小心地,轻轻地把它们分开了。