英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第275期:第十六章 卡莱尔(13)(在线收听

 Edward's eyes lit up, but he hesitated. 爱德华的眼睛亮了起来,但他踌躇着。

Of course you should bring Bella, Alice chirped. I thought I saw Jasper throw a quick glance at her. “你当然得带上贝拉。”爱丽丝唧唧喳喳地说着。我想我看见贾斯帕飞快地瞥了她一眼。
Do you want to go? Edward asked me, excited, his expression vivid. “你想去吗?”爱德华兴奋地问着我,他的神情简直是活力四射。
Sure. I couldn't disappoint such a face. Um, where are we going? “当然。”我不能让这样一张脸失望。“呃嗯,我们要去哪里?”
We have to wait for thunder to play ball — you'll see why, he promised. “我们得等到雷雨天才能打球——你会看到这是为什么的。”他保证道。
Will I need an umbrella? “我需要带把伞吗?”
They all three laughed aloud. 他们都大笑起来。
Will she? Jasper asked Alice. “她需要吗?”贾斯帕问爱丽丝。
No. She was positive. The storm will hit over town. It should be dry enough in the clearing. “不。”她相当肯定。“暴风雨只会横扫整个小镇。那块空地上将会相当干爽。”
Good, then. The enthusiasm in Jasper's voice was catching, naturally. I found myself eager, rather than scared stiff. “那么,很好。”自然地,贾斯帕话语里的热情很有感染力。我发现自己也热切起来,甚至远甚于恐惧的僵直。
Let's go see if Carlisle will come. Alice bounded up and to the door in a fashion that would break any ballerina's heart. “我们去看看卡莱尔会不会加入。”爱丽丝跳起来,落到门口,她敏捷的动作能让任何一个芭蕾演员心灰意冷。
Like you don't know, Jasper teased, and they were swiftly on their way. Jasper managed to inconspicuously close the door behind them. “就好像你不知道一样。”贾斯帕揶揄着,然后他们鱼贯而出。贾斯帕不引人注目地随手关上了门。
What will we be playing? I demanded. “我们要打什么球?”我盘问道。
You will be watching, Edward clarified. We will be playing baseball. “你会看到的,”爱德华澄清道。“我们要打棒球。”
I rolled my eyes. Vampires like baseball? 我睁圆了眼睛。“吸血鬼喜欢棒球?”
It's the American pastime, he said with mock solemnity. “这是美国人的消遣。”他假装一本正经地说道。