英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第303期:第十八章 猎杀(2)(在线收听

 The man in front was easily the most beautiful, his skin olive-toned beneath the typical pallor, his hair a glossy black. 站在前头的那个男人显然是他们之中最美丽的,在那种典型的苍白的色调之下,他的肌肤是橄榄色的,他的头发乌黑发亮。

He was of a medium build, hard-muscled, of course, but nothing next to Emmett's brawn. 他体格中等,当然,肌肉很发达,但跟艾美特的肌肉群相比简直是小巫见大巫。
He smiled an easy smile, exposing a flash of gleaming white teeth. 他轻松地笑着,隐约露出雪白的牙齿。
The woman was wilder, her eyes shifting restlessly between the men facing her, 那个女人看上去更野蛮些,她的眼睛不停地打量着直视着她的男人们,
and the loose grouping around me, her chaotic hair quivering in the slight breeze.  还有环绕在我身旁的松散的人墙。她乱糟糟的头发在微风中轻轻颤动着。
Her posture was distinctly feline. The second male hovered unobtrusively behind them, slighter than the leader,  她的姿势显然就像猫科动物那样。第二个男人徘徊在他们身后,很不引人注目,他的体格比领头的人更纤细些,
his light brown hair and regular features both nondescript. His eyes, though completely still, somehow seemed the most vigilant. 他浅棕色的头发和平板的五官都乏善可陈,他的目光僵直着,但不知怎地他的眼神看上去最为警觉。
Their eyes were different, too. Not the gold or black I had come to expect, but a deep burgundy color that was disturbing and sinister. 他们的眼睛也不一样。不是我原先想到的金色或是黑色,而是一种深深的勃艮第葡萄酒的颜色,看上去既暴躁又凶恶。
The dark-haired man, still smiling, stepped toward Carlisle. 那个黑发男子依然微笑着,向卡莱尔走去。
We thought we heard a game,he said in a relaxed voice with the slightest of French accents.  “我们觉得,我们听见了打球赛的声音。”他用一种放松的口吻说道,带着极淡的法国口音。
I'm Laurent, these are Victoria and James.He gestured to the vampires beside him. “我是劳伦,他们是维多利亚和詹姆斯。”他指了指他身后的两个吸血鬼。
I'm Carlisle. This is my family, Emmett and Jasper, Rosalie, Esme and Alice, Edward and Bella. “我是卡莱尔。他们是我的家人,艾美特和贾斯帕,罗莎莉,艾思梅和爱丽丝,还有爱德华和贝拉。”
He pointed us out in groups, deliberately not calling attention to individuals. I felt a shock when he said my name. 他三三两两地介绍着我们,故意不让他们的注意力落到某个特定的人身上。当他说到我的名字时,我吃了一惊。