英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第306期:第十八章 猎杀(5)(在线收听

 What's this? Laurent exclaimed in open surprise.  “这是怎么回事?”劳伦大叫起来,丝毫没有掩饰自己的惊讶。

Neither James nor Edward relaxed their aggressive poses.  但詹姆斯和爱德华都没有放松他们攻击性的姿势。
James feinted slightly to the side, and Edward shifted in response. 詹姆斯做了个假动作,稍微往旁边挪了挪,爱德华立刻做出了相应的反应,也移动了身形。
She's with us. Carlisle's firm rebuff was directed toward James.  “她和我们是一起的。”卡莱尔向詹姆斯断然拒绝道,明白地显示着他坚定的态度。
Laurent seemed to catch my scent less powerfully than James, but awareness now dawned on his face. 劳伦似乎并没有像詹姆斯那样捕捉到了我的味道,但他脸上现在露出了明白过来的神情。
You brought a snack? he asked, his expression incredulous as he took an involuntary step forward. “你们还带了点心来?”他问道,脸上露出了怀疑的神色,不知不觉往前走了一步。
Edward snarled even more ferociously, harshly, his lip curling high above his glistening, bared teeth. Laurent stepped back again. 爱德华的咆哮变得更加凶狠,更加刺耳,他的上唇高高地卷起,闪亮的牙齿展露无遗。劳伦又退了回去。
I said she's with us, Carlisle corrected in a hard voice. “我说了,她和我们是一起的。”卡莱尔用严厉的声音更正道。
But she's human, Laurent protested. The words were not at all aggressive, merely astounded. “可她是人类。”劳伦大声说道。这些话与其说是挑衅,不如说是震惊。
Yes. Emmett was very much in evidence at Carlisle's side, his eyes on James.  “是的。”艾美特显然站在了卡莱尔这边,他的眼睛注视着詹姆斯。
James slowly straightened out of his crouch, but his eyes never left me, his nostrils still wide.  詹姆斯慢慢地直起蜷伏的身子,但他的眼睛始终盯着我,他的鼻孔依然张得大大的。
Edward stayed tensed like a lion in front of me. 爱德华紧张地守护在我跟前,有如一头雄狮。
When Laurent spoke, his tone was soothing — trying to defuse the sudden hostility. It appears we have a lot to learn about each other. 劳伦开了口,他的声音有着安慰的味道——试图减轻这阵突如其来的敌意。“看来我们对彼此还有许多需要相互了解的地方。”