英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第307期:第十八章 猎杀(6)(在线收听

 Indeed. Carlisle's voice was still cool. “确实如此。”卡莱尔的声音非常冷淡。

But we'd like to accept your invitation. His eyes flicked toward me and back to Carlisle.  “但我们还是很乐意接受你们的邀请。”他飞快地瞥了我一眼,又看回卡莱尔。
And, of course, we will not harm the human girl. We won't hunt in your range, as I said. “还有,当然,我们不会伤害那个人类女孩的。我说过,我们不会在你们的地盘狩猎。”
James glanced in disbelief and aggravation at Laurent and exchanged another brief look with Victoria,  詹姆斯露出难以置信的神情,愤怒地瞪了一眼劳伦,然后又和维多利亚交换了一个简短的眼神。
whose eyes still flickered edgily from face to face. 她的眼睛依然尖锐地审视着每一张脸。
Carlisle measured Laurent's open expression for a moment before he spoke.  卡莱尔衡量着劳伦脸上坦率的神情,半晌才说道:
We'll show you the way. Jasper, Rosalie, Esme? he called.  “我们会给你们带路。贾斯帕,罗莎莉,艾美特?”他喊道。
They gathered together, blocking me from view as they converged.  他们几个立刻聚拢起来,挡住了我的视线。
Alice was instantly at my side, and Emmett fell back slowly, his eyes locked on James as he backed toward us. 爱丽丝立刻站到了我身旁。艾美特慢慢地往后退过来,他的眼睛始终锁定着正背向我们离开的詹姆斯的身影。
Let's go, Bella. Edward's voice was low and bleak. “我们走,贝拉。”爱德华的声音既低沉又阴冷。
This whole time I'd been rooted in place, terrified into absolute immobility.  整个过程中我都像脚下生了根似的站在那里,吓得完全无法动弹。
Edward had to grip my elbow and pull sharply to break my trance.  爱德华不得不抓住我的胳膊猛地一拉,才让我的魂魄归位。
Alice and Emmett were close behind us, hiding me. I stumbled alongside Edward, still stunned with fear.  爱丽丝和艾美特紧紧地站在我们身旁,掩护着我。我跌跌拌拌跟着爱德华,依然因为恐惧而眩晕着。
I couldn't hear if the main group had left yet. Edward's impatience was almost tangible as we moved at human speed to the forest edge. 我听不见大部队是否已经离开了。当我们用人类的速度向树林边缘走去时,爱德华的不耐烦简直可以看得见摸得着了。 