英语听力 暮光之城·暮色 第319期:第二十章 急不可耐(1)(在线收听

 When I woke up I was confused. My thoughts were hazy, still twisted up in dreams and nightmares; it took me longer than it should have to realize where I was. 当我醒来的时候,我很困惑。我的思绪一片迷茫,依然纠结在梦境和梦魇之中。我花了比平时更长的时间才意识到自己身在何方。

This room was too bland to belong anywhere but in a hotel. The bedside lamps, bolted to the tables, were a dead giveaway,  只有在宾馆里才会有这样乏味的房间。床头的壁灯,桌子上的抽屉把手,
as were the long drapes made from the same fabric as the bedspread, and the generic watercolor prints on the walls. 还有用和床单相同的布料做成的长长的窗帘,墙上挂着的庸俗的水粉画,都该死地泄露了这一点。
I tried to remember how I got here, but nothing came at first. 我试图记起自己是怎么到这里来的,但起初却什么也想不出来。
I did remember the sleek black car, the glass in the windows darker than that on a limousine.  我确实还记得那辆光滑的黑色轿车,车窗上的玻璃颜色比豪华轿车上的还深。
The engine was almost silent, though we'd raced across the black freeways at more than twice the legal speed. 即使是在我们用超过法定时速两倍的速度开过黑暗中的高速公路时,那车的引擎依然悄无声息。
And I remembered Alice sitting with me on the dark leather backseat. Somehow, during the long night, my head had ended up against her granite neck.  然后我想起来了,爱丽丝和我一起坐在黑色的皮制后座上。不知怎的,在度过了漫长的一夜之后,我的头最终靠在了她花岗岩般的颈窝上。
My closeness didn't seem to bother her at all, and her cool, hard skin was oddly comforting to me.  我的亲近似乎丝毫没有影响到她,而奇怪的是,她冰冷坚硬的肌肤对我来说很舒适。
The front of her thin cotton shirt was cold, damp with the tears that streamed from my eyes until, red and sore, they ran dry. 她身上单薄的纯棉恤衫冷冰冰的,被我眼里源源不绝的泪水打湿了。直到我的眼睛变得又红又肿,我的泪水才流干。 
Sleep had evaded me; my aching eyes strained open even though the night finally ended and dawn broke over a low peak somewhere in California.  睡意一直躲着我。我疼痛的双眼一直紧绷地睁着,直到夜晚终于结束,破晓降临于加利福尼亚州某处低矮的山坡上。
The gray light, streaking across the cloudless sky, stung my eyes. But I couldn't close them; when I did, the images that flashed all too vividly,  那道灰白的光,冲破无云的天空,刺痛了我的眼睛。但我还是不能把眼睛闭上。一旦我闭上双眼,一幕幕鲜活的画面就会在我的脑海中闪现着,
like still slides behind my lids, were unbearable. Charlie's broken expression — Edward's brutal snarl, teeth bared — Rosalie's resentful glare  仿佛正在我眼前发生着一样,这简直让人忍无可忍。查理受伤的神情——爱德华露出牙齿,野蛮地咆哮着——罗莎莉忿恨的目光
the keeneyed scrutiny of the tracker — the dead look in Edward's eyes after he kissed me the last time… I couldn't stand to see them.  追猎者让人无处遁形的监视——爱德华最后一次吻过我后,眼里冷酷的神情……我难以忍受看见这些画面。
So I fought against my weariness and the sun rose higher.  所以我和自己的倦意斗争着,任凭太阳越升越高。 