美国小学英语教材4:第46课 城市里安全第一(5)(在线收听


  The next day the boys were up bright and early. 第二天,男孩们一大早起来。
  After a good breakfast they talked over the program for the day. 吃完美味的早餐后,他们讨论起了一天的计划。
  "I think we had better just take a walk this morning." Arthur said, “我觉得我们今天早上最好去散散步,”亚瑟说,
  "so that you can see how things look. Everything will be new to you. “这样你可以看看周围的事物。对你而言,一切都是新鲜的。
  We'll take a street car down town and walk around where the big stores and the tall office buildings are. 我们将乘电车去商业区,并在大商店和高大的办公楼间走走,
  They call these buildings skyscrapers, because they are so high." 他们称这些建筑是摩天大楼,因为它们非常高。”
  When the car had reached the street at which they were to get off, 当车到达他们的目的地时,
  both boys stepped from the platform with their faces toward the front. 两个男孩面朝前从台上下来。
  Then George started to cross the street, just behind the car. 乔治打算从车后面穿过马路。
  "Wait a minute," said Arthur. “等一下,”亚瑟说,
  "Stand right here in the middle of the street until our car gets out of the way, so that we can see what is coming. “站在马路中间,直到我们的车开走,这样我们才能看到路上的车。
  Look! There's a car coming right in our direction, 看!有一辆车正向我们这边驶来,
  and it might have hit us if we had started to cross the street without looking. 如果我们刚刚没有观察就穿马路,可能会被它撞上。
  If you want to keep from being run down by a street car that is moving in the other direction from the one you have just left, 下车后,如果你不想被对面开来的电车撞到,
  you must always look both ways before starting to cross the street." 必须在过马路前看看两边。”
  After the way was clear, the boys walked quickly to the sidewalk, and turned to watch the street traffic. 确定道路安全后,男孩们迅速走上了人行道,并转身观察街道交通。
  What a different sight it was from the quiet country roads! 跟宁静的乡村相比,这是多么不同的一番景象啊!
  It was the hour when thousands of men and women were going to their places of work. 此时正是成千上万的人前去上班的时间。
  The sidewalks were crowded with hurrying people. 人行道上挤满了匆匆赶路的人,
  The streets were full of automobiles and heavy trucks and clanging cars. 马路上到处都是汽车、重型卡车和发出叮当声的小汽车。
  As George looked at the strange sight in the busy city, he said to his cousin, 乔治看着繁忙城市的奇特景象时,对堂弟说,
  "My! I wonder how so many people can cross these crowded streets without being run over." “我的天哪!我想知道多少人过这些拥挤的马路时没有被车撞倒。”