美国小学英语教材4:第48课 内容回顾(在线收听

   A Backward Look 内容回顾

  Do you remember what General Cornwallis said to his friends after Anne had left? 你还记得康沃利斯将军在安妮走后跟他的朋友们说过的话吗?
  He said that he was sure America would win its freedom, 他说他确信美国会赢得自由,
  because it had such brave young citizens as Anne Randolph. 因为她有像安妮·伦道夫一样勇敢的小公民。
  He was right, as you know. 如你所知,他是对的。
  Which story in this Part did you like best? Why did you like it? 在这部分中,你最喜欢哪个故事,为什么喜欢它?
  Were there any boys and girls whom you would want in your Good Citizen Club? 你想接受哪个男孩或女孩加入你的好公民俱乐部?
  In one of these stories you learned some important things that everyone should know. Which one was it? 在哪个故事中,你学到了每个人都应该知道的一些重要事情?
  In these stories, there were probably somethings that you did not understand very well. 在这些故事中,可能有些事情你还不是很了解。
  For example, do you know who Captain John Paul Jones was? 例如,你知道约翰·保罗·琼斯上尉吗?
  It would be interesting to read about some of the great things he did. 读一些他的伟大事迹会很有趣。
  Who made the first Stars and Stripes? 是谁制作了第一批国旗上的星星和条纹?
  Where in our country are the Great Plains across which the covered wagons traveled? 篷车穿越的大平原位于我们国家的哪个地方?
  Why did so many people leave their homes and travel far across our country? 为什么那么多人离开他们的家园,穿过国家到很远的地方去?
  Can you make a picture of a covered wagon with its teams of oxen? 你能描述公牛拉着篷车的景象吗?
  Perhaps you have read some other stories of boys and girls at work and at play. 或许你已经读过男孩和女孩工作和玩耍的其他故事了,
  Be ready to tell the class a good story you have read. 准备在班里讲述一下你读过的好故事。