英语听力 暮光之城·暮色 第390期:第二十五章 一触即发(15)(在线收听

   You promised, he objected. “你保证过的。”他反对道。

  I know. “我知道。”
  What's the problem? “这有什么问题吗?”
  I knew he thought it was mere embarrassment holding me back. I think it will make you mad or sad. 我知道,他认为是尴尬让我退缩的。“我猜这一定会让你发疯的——或者悲伤。”
  His brows pulled together over his eyes as he thought that through. I still want to know. Please? 当他思索着这个想法的时候,他的额头皱在了一起。“我还是想要知道。求你了?”
  I sighed. He waited. 我叹了口气。他等待着。
  Well… I assumed it was some kind of… occasion. But I didn't think it would be some trite human thing… prom! I scoffed. “嗯……我假定这是某种……场合。但我不认为那是某种平庸的人类活动……舞会!”嘲弄道。
  Human? he asked flatly. He'd picked up on the key word. “人类?”他冷淡地问道。他抓住了关键词。
  I looked down at my dress, fidgeting with a stray piece of chiffon. He waited in silence. 我低下头看着自己的裙子,烦躁不安地抓起一片迷路的薄纱。他沉默地等待着。
  Okay, I confessed in a rush. So I was hoping that you might have changed your mind… that you were going to change me, after all. “好吧。”我一吐为快。“我希望你也许已经改变心意了……你终于打算转变我了。”
  A dozen emotions played across his face. Some I recognized: anger… pain… and then he seemed to collect himself and his expression became amused. 许多情绪在他脸上一闪而过。有些我能辨认出来:愤怒……痛苦……然后他似乎控制住了自己,然后他的表情变得有趣起来。