英语听书《海底两万里》第223期 第17章 海底森林(4)(在线收听

   Near one o'clock, Captain Nemo gave the signal to halt.  到一点钟左右,尼摩船长发出暂时休息的信号。

  Speaking for myself, I was glad to oblige, and we stretched out beneath an arbor of winged kelp, whose long thin tendrils stood up like arrows. 在我来说,我很高兴能休息一下,我们于是在一个海草华盖下面躺下来,这海草的细长枝条像箭一般直插着。
  This short break was a delight.  这一刻的休息我觉得很舒服,
  It lacked only the charm of conversation. But it was impossible to speak, impossible to reply.  美中不足的是我们不能彼此交谈。没有法子说话,当然也没有法子回答。
  I simply nudged my big copper headpiece against Conseil's headpiece. 我仅仅把我粗大的铜头挨近康塞尔的铜头。
  I saw a happy gleam in the gallant lad's eyes, and to communicate his pleasure, he jiggled around inside his carapace in the world's silliest way. 我看见了这老实人的眼睛闪出兴奋的亮光,又为表示满意起见,他在铜壳子里面乱摇乱摆,作最滑稽可笑的怪样子。
  After four hours of strolling, I was quite astonished not to feel any intense hunger.  虽然走了四小时的路,我并不感到有吃东西的需要,心里很为惊异。
  What kept my stomach in such a good mood I'm unable to say.  为什么会这样,我说不出来。
  But, in exchange, I experienced that irresistible desire for sleep that comes over every diver.  但另一方面,像所有潜水人一样,我感到很想睡觉,没有法子克制。
  Accordingly, my eyes soon closed behind their heavy glass windows and I fell into an uncontrollable doze,  所以我的眼睛也就在很厚的玻璃后面闭起来,我立即掉到无法克制的昏睡中,这昏睡,
  which until then I had been able to fight off only through the movements of our walking.  刚才也只是靠向前的走动才暂时制止了它。
  Captain Nemo and his muscular companion were already stretched out in this clear crystal, setting us a fine naptime example. 尼摩船长和他的壮健同伴,早就躺在清澈的水晶体中,先给我们作出睡眠的榜样了。
  How long I was sunk in this torpor I cannot estimate; but when I awoke, it seemed as if the sun were settling toward the horizon.  我沉迷在这种昏睡中有多少时候,那我不能估计;但当我醒来的时候,看看太阳已经向西边低下去了。
  Captain Nemo was already up, and I had started to stretch my limbs, when an unexpected apparition brought me sharply to my feet. 尼摩船长已经站起来,我也开始伸展我的四肢,就在这个时候,出现一件意外的东西,我立即站起两脚。