英语听书《海底两万里》第236期 第18章 太平洋下四千里(8)(在线收听

   I could make out only its wooded mountains on the horizon, because Captain Nemo hated to hug shore.  我只看到天边满是丛林密布的山岭,因为尼摩船长不喜欢接近陆地,所以我没看见别的。

  There our nets brought up some fine fish samples: dolphinfish with azure fins,  在这一带海面上,鱼网打得了好些美丽的鱼类。比如哥利芬鱼,天蓝色的鳍,
  gold tails, and flesh that's unrivaled in the entire world, wrasse from the genus Hologymnosus that were nearly denuded of scales but exquisite in flavor,  金黄色的尾巴,肉味鲜美无比。赤裸鱼,差不多没有鳞甲,但也很好吃;
  knifejaws with bony beaks, yellowish albacore that were as tasty as bonito, all fish worth classifying in the ship's pantry. 带骨腮的骨眶鱼,黑黄的塔查鱼,比鲤鱼还好吃;所有这些鱼都值得放到船上餐厅中供人食用。
  After leaving these delightful islands to the protection of the French flag, the Nautilus covered about 2,000 miles from December 4 to the 11th.  离开了由法国国旗保护的这些使人神往的美丽海岛后, 从12月4日至11日,诺第留斯号共走了四千里左右。
  Its navigating was marked by an encounter with an immense school of squid, unusual mollusks that are near neighbors of the cuttlefish.  这次航行碰见了一大群抢乌贼,这是很奇异的软体动物,跟墨鱼很相像。
  French fishermen give them the name "cuckoldfish," and they belong to the class Cephalopoda, family Dibranchiata,  法国渔人称它们为水黄蜂,它们属于头足纲。
  consisting of themselves together with cuttlefish and argonauts.  双鳃目,其中包括肛鱼和墨鱼。
  The naturalists of antiquity made a special study of them,  这类鱼,古代生物学家特别加以研究,
  and these animals furnished many ribald figures of speech for soapbox orators in the Greek marketplace,  它们给古代希腊公众会场的演说家提供了好些譬喻语,根
  as well as excellent dishes for the tables of rich citizens,if we're to believe Athenaeus, a Greek physician predating Galen. 据生于嘉利安之前的希腊医生阿典尼所说的话,这类鱼在希腊的有钱公民的食桌上,也是一盘很美味的菜。
  It was during the night of December 9-10 that the Nautilus encountered this army of distinctly nocturnal mollusks.  就是在12月9日和10 日夜间,诺第留斯号碰见一大群喜欢夜出的软体动物。
  They numbered in the millions.  估计起来,它们的数目不止数千百万。