英语听书《海底两万里》第256期 第20章 托列斯海峡(3)(在线收听

  Thank you, Conseil. Only I must ask you to postpone the question of new year's gifts, and temporarily accept a hearty handshake in their place.  谢谢,康塞尔,不过我要你把新年送礼的问题搁下来,现在暂且好好握一下手作为新年的贺仪。

  That's all I have on me. 我目前只有这个在身边。

  Master has never been more generous,Conseil replied. 先生从没有像现在这样慷慨.康塞尔回答。

  And with that, the gallant lad went away. 说完这话,这老实人走开了。

  By January 2 we had fared 11,340 miles, hence 5,250 leagues, from our starting point in the seas of Japan. 1月2日,自我们从日本海出发到现在,我们已经走了一万一千三百四十海里,即五千二百五十里了。

  Before the Nautilus's spur there stretched the dangerous waterways of the Coral Sea, off the northeast coast of Australia.  现在诺第留斯号的冲角面前望见的,就是澳大利亚洲东北边岸珊瑚海的危险海面。

  Our boat cruised along a few miles away from that daunting shoal where Captain Cook's ships wellnigh miscarried on June 10, 1770.  我们的船在距离几海里远的地方沿暗礁脉驶过去;1770年6月10日,

  The craft that Cook was aboard charged into some coral rock, and if his vessel didn't go down,  库克率领的船几乎在这里失事沉没,库克自己乘的船碰在一座岩石上,船所以不沉,

  it was thanks to the circumstance that a piece of coral broke off in the collision and plugged the very hole it had made in the hull. 那是由于一种特殊的情形,就是有一块珊瑚石因船捡上去而崩下来,堵在被冲破的船身上,船因此得以保全。

  I would have been deeply interested in visiting this long, 360-league reef, against which the ever-surging sea broke with the fearsome intensity of thunderclaps.  我很想看一看这条长三百六十里的暗礁脉,暗礁脉上常有波涛汹涌的海水冲击,奔腾澎湃,十分凶猛,好像隆隆的雷声。

  But just then the Nautilus's slanting fins took us to great depths, and I could see nothing of those high coral walls.  可是,这个时候,诺第留斯号转动纵斜机板,把我们带到水底很深的地方,我没有法子看到这座珊瑚造成的长城。
