英语听书《海底两万里》第265期 第20章 托列斯海峡(12)(在线收听

   The next day, January 5, after its deck paneling was opened, the skiff was wrenched from its socket and launched to sea from the top of the platform.  第二天,1月5日,小艇解开,从它的窝中出来,由平台上放人海中。

  Two men were sufficient for this operation.  两个人就可以做这些动作。
  The oars were inside the longboat and we had only to take our seats. 桨原来就是在艇中的,我们只须上去坐好。
  At eight o'clock, armed with rifles and axes, we pulled clear of the Nautilus.  八点,我们带了电气枪和刀斧,从诺第留斯号下来,上了小艇。
  The sea was fairly calm. A mild breeze blew from shore.  海面相当平静,有微风从地上吹来。
  In place by the oars, Conseil and I rowed vigorously, and Ned steered us into the narrow lanes between the breakers.  康塞尔和我坐在桨边,我们使劲划,尼德·兰在暗礁间的狭小水路中间指挥着舵。
  The skiff handled easily and sped swiftly. 小艇很顺利地走去,并且走得很快。
  Ned Land couldn't conceal his glee. He was a prisoner escaping from prison and never dreaming he would need to reenter it. 尼德·兰简直不能抑制他的快乐心情。他是从监牢中逃出来的囚人,他全没想到他还要回到监牢里面去。
  Meat! he kept repeating. Now we'll eat red meat! Actual game! A real mess call, by thunder!  吃大肉!他一再说,我们要去吃大肉了,吃好吃的大钩了!吃真正的野味了!
  I'm not saying fish aren't good for you, but we mustn't overdo 'em, and a slice of fresh venison grilled over live coals will be a nice change from our standard fare. 没有面包,也成!我不说鱼是不好吃的东西,但也不能整天吃,一块新鲜的野味,红火上烤起来,是可以好好地换换我们的口味呢。
  You glutton, Conseil replied, you're making my mouth water! 真馋嘴:康塞尔回答,他说得我嘴里不停地流口水呢!
  It remains to be seen, I said, whether these forests do contain game, and if the types of game aren't of such size that they can hunt the hunter. 我们必须知道,我说,岛上林中是不是有很多野味,这些野味是不是身材高大,勇猛得可以猎取打猎人的呀。