英语听书《海底两万里》第302期 第22章 强逼睡眠(7)(在线收听

   Just then the chief officer drew the captain's attention anew. The latter interrupted his strolling and aimed his spyglass at the point indicated.  这个时候,船副重新又要船长小心注意。船长停下脚步来,把望远镜向所指的夭边一点了望。

  He observed it a good while. As for me, deeply puzzled, I went below to the lounge and brought back an excellent long-range telescope I habitually used.  他观察了很久。至于我,心里很是纳闷,也想知道一些,我走下客厅,在厅中拿了我常用的望远镜,
  Leaning my elbows on the beacon housing, which jutted from the stern of the platform, I got set to scour that whole stretch of sky and sea. 回到平台,扶在平台前头的突出部分,装设探照灯的笼间上,我就要打算望一望天际和海边的所有情景了。
  But no sooner had I peered into the eyepiece than the instrument was snatched from my hands. 但我的眼睛还没有挨到镜面上,望远镜就突然被人夺走了。
  I spun around. Captain Nemo was standing before me, but I almost didn't recognize him.  我转过身来,尼摩船长站在我面前,我简直不认识他了,
  His facial features were transfigured. Gleaming with dark fire, his eyes had shrunk beneath his frowning brow.  他的面容完全变了。他的眼睛闪着阴沉的火光,从紧促的睫毛中露出来。
  His teeth were half bared. His rigid body, clenched fists, and head drawn between his shoulders, all attested to a fierce hate breathing from every pore.  他的牙齿半露,有些可怕。他直挺的身子,紧握的拳头,缩在两肩肿间的脑袋,证明他有了正从他全身发出来的强烈的仇恨。
  He didn't move. My spyglass fell from his hand and rolled at his feet. 他站着不动。我的望远镜从他的手中掉下来,滚到他脚边。
  Had I accidentally caused these symptoms of anger? Did this incomprehensible individual think I had detected some secret forbidden to guests on the Nautilus? 是我无心引起了他的这种愤怒神气吗?是这个神秘不可解的人物认为我看出了诺第留斯号的客人不应当知道的某些秘密吗?
  No! I wasn't the subject of his hate because he wasn't even looking at me; his eyes stayed stubbornly focused on that inscrutable point of the horizon. 不!这仇恨的对象并不是我,因为他并不看我,因为他的眼睛仍然坚定不移地盯着夭际神秘不可知的那一点。
  Finally Captain Nemo regained his self-control. His facial appearance, so profoundly changed, now resumed its usual calm.  后来尼摩船长又有了主意,镇定下来。他的脸孔本来是变了样的,现在又跟从前一样地安静下来。
  He addressed a few words to his chief officer in their strange language, then he turned to me: 他用神秘语言对船副说了几句活,然后转身面向着我。
  Professor Aronnax, he told me in a tone of some urgency, I ask that you now honor one of the binding agreements between us. 阿龙纳斯先生,他语气相当激动地对我说,我要您遵守您跟我约定的那一条款。
  Which one, captain? 船长,是哪一条款呢?
  You and your companions must be placed in confinement until I see fit to set you free. 您的同伴和您现在都要关起来,直到我认为可以让你们自由的时候为止。