英语听书《海底两万里》第342期 第23章 珊瑚王国(39)(在线收听

   Then the Nautilus drew near the beaches of Africa, where the sea is considerably deeper.  随后,诺第留斯号走近非洲海岸,这一带的海就深得多了。

  There, through the open panels and in a midwater of crystal clarity, our ship enabled us to study wonderful bushes of shining coral and huge chunks of rock wrapped in splendid green furs of algae and fucus.  这里,在水晶一般清澈的海水中间,从打开的嵌板,我可以细细看那色彩鲜明的珊瑚的奇妙丛林,那披上海带和黑角莱的华美青绿毛皮的一片片宽大岩石。
  What an indescribable sight, and what a variety of settings and scenery where these reefs and volcanic islands leveled off by the Libyan coast!  与利比亚海岸相接的这些火山的暗礁和小岛,铺排成地毯一般,景色变化无穷,真是无法形容,无法描写!
  But soon the Nautilus hugged the eastern shore where these tree forms appeared in all their glory.  但是,海底这些丛生的枝状动物表现得最美丽的地方;还是在诺第留斯号就要驶到的东部的海岸附近。
  This was off the coast of Tihama, and there such zoophyte displays not only flourished below sea level but they also fashioned picturesque networks that unreeled as high as ten fathoms above it;  那是在铁哈马海岸一带,因为在这一带海岸,不单海面下有一层一层的花一般的植虫动物,而且这些植虫动物在二十米水深左右满是组成五色斑烂的图象花纹,但水底下的比接近水面的一层变化更多,
  the latter were more whimsical but less colorful than the former, which kept their bloom thanks to the moist vitality of the waters. 颜色较为黯淡,因为近水面的一层受海水的湿润,保持着鲜艳的颜色。
  How many delightful hours I spent in this way at the lounge window!  我这样在客厅的玻璃窗户边,不知道度过了多少惬意进人的时间!
  How many new specimens of underwater flora and fauna I marveled at beneath the light of our electric beacon!  我在我们的电光探照灯下,不知道欣赏了多少海底下的新品种动植物!
  Mushroom-shaped fungus coral, some slate-colored sea anemone including the species Thalassianthus aster among others,  有伞形菌;有石板色的多须峭;特别是晶形峭;有管珊瑚,
  organ-pipe coral arranged like flutes and just begging for a puff from the god Pan, shells unique to this sea that dwell in madreporic cavities and whose bases are twisted into squat spirals,  像笛子一般,等着潘神来吹,有这一带海中特产的贝壳,附生在造礁珊瑚的空洞中,下部有,很短的螺丝纹环绕,
  and finally a thousand samples of a polypary I hadn't observed until then: the common sponge. 最后有成千成万的那种水媳类,那些就是我还没有看到过的普通海绵。