
Let me be your hero.让我做你的英雄。
Would you dance愿意陪我跳舞吗?
If I asked you to dance? 如果我邀请你跳的话?
Would you run, 会被我吓跑吗,
And never look back? 不回头地跑?
Would you cry?会哭吗?
If you saw me crying? 如果你看见我流泪?
And would you save my soul, tonight? 今晚你会拯救我的灵魂吗?
Would you tremble, 你会颤抖吗,
If I touched your lips? 如果我触碰你的唇?
Would you laugh? 还是会开怀而笑呢?
Oh please tell me this. 请你一定要告诉我。
Now would you die, 你愿意死去吗,
For the one you love? 为你爱的人?
Hold me in your arms, tonight. 今晚请把我拥入你怀里。
I can be your hero, baby. 我要做你的英雄,宝贝。
I can kiss away the pain. 我能吻去你的痛苦
I will stand by you forever. 永远守候在你身边
You can take my breath away. 你令我无法呼吸。

Would you swear, 你能发誓,
That you’ll always be mine? 永远做我的人吗??
Or would you lie? 还是你宁愿撒谎;
Would you run and hide? 跑开并躲起来?
Am I in too deep? 我陷得太深了吗?
Have I lost my mind? 我疯了吗?
I don’t care... 我不在乎这些/不管了
You’re here, tonight. 只要今晚你在这里。

I can be your hero, baby. 我能做你的英雄,宝贝。
I can kiss away the pain. 我能吻去你的痛苦。
I will stand by you forever. 我会永远在你身边。
You can take my breath away. 你令我无法呼吸。
Oh, I just wanna to hold you. 亲爱的,我只想抱着你。
I just wanna to hold you. 我只想抱着你。
Oh yeah.
Am I in too deep? 我陷得太深了吗?
Have I lost my mind? 我疯了吗?
Well I don’t care... 我才不在乎这些。
You’re here, tonight. 只要今晚你在这里
I can be your hero, baby. 我要做你的英雄,宝贝
I can kiss away the pain. 我能吻去你的痛苦
I will stand by your forever. 我会永远在你身边
You can take my breath away. 你令我无法呼吸。
I can be your hero. 我要做你的英雄,宝贝
I can kiss away the pain. 我能吻去你的痛苦。
And I will stand by you, forever. 我会永远在你身边。
You can take my breath away. 你令我无法呼吸。
You can take my breath away. 你令我神魂颠倒。
I can be your hero. 我可以做你的英雄

A hero is never put off by difficulties. 困难难不倒英雄汉。
He has risen to gain the status of a national hero. 他已被推崇为民族英雄。
Crowds shouted and pushed to get a glimpse of their hero. 为了一睹英雄的风采,人群喊叫着,推搡着。
The hero's life was short but brilliant. 这位英雄的一生是短暂而光辉的。
My boyhood hero was Bobby Charlton 我童年时代的偶像是博比·查尔顿。

The camera moved in on the hero for a close-up sequence. 摄影机向男主角移近,准备拍摄一组特写镜头。
She asked the author if he had modelled his hero on anybody in particular.她问作者书中的主人公是否是以某个人为原型。
The hero, Danny, bears an uncanny resemblance to Kirk Douglas 主人公丹尼与柯克·道格拉斯出奇地相像。 (uncanny形容词,出奇的,离奇的,可怕的)
