英语听书《海底两万里》第429期 第26章 大头鲸和长须鲸(10)(在线收听

 Nevertheless, Captain Nemo went from passageway to passageway, always proceeding south. 可是,尼摩船长总能找到一条又一条通路,老是往上驶。

But where's he going? I asked. 他究竟要到哪里去呢?我问。
Straight ahead, Conseil replied.  到前面去,康塞尔回答,
Ultimately, when he can't go any farther, he'll stop. 总之,到了他不能再往前走的时候,他也就只好停止了。
I wouldn't bet on it! I replied. 我可不敢肯定这样说!我回答。
And in all honesty, I confess that this venturesome excursion was far from displeasing to me.  但白说,我承认这种冒险的游历使我觉得痛快。
I can't express the intensity of my amazement at the beauties of these new regions.  这些新鲜地方的奇美让我迷醉惊异到怎样的程度、那我无法可以表示。
The ice struck superb poses.  冰群的姿态变得更雄伟壮丽了。
Here, its general effect suggested an oriental town with countless minarets and mosques.  这边,是一大群冰块形成一座东方城市,中有无数的清真寺院和尖塔。
There, a city in ruins, flung to the ground by convulsions in the earth.  那里,是一座倒塌的城,因为地震动了,被推倒在地下。
These views were varied continuously by the sun's oblique rays, or were completely swallowed up by gray mists in the middle of blizzards.  阳光斜照;它们现出变换不停的形色,这些形色又迷失在雪花飞舞的大风暴中的灰色云雾里面。
Then explosions, cave-ins, and great iceberg somersaults would occur all around us, altering the scenery like the changing landscape in a diorama. 其次、处处都是爆炸、崩裂,冰山大翻筋斗,把这里的整个布景都改变了,像一幅透光风景油画一样。
If the Nautilus was submerged during these losses of balance, we heard the resulting noises spread under the waters with frightful intensity, and the collapse of these masses created daunting eddies down to the ocean's lower strata.  当这些冰群的平衡破坏了的时候,诺第留斯号便潜入水中;声音传到下面,强烈惊人,冰群下沉,造成深而阔的可怕的水涡;力量直到冰洋很深的水层。
The Nautilus then rolled and pitched like a ship left to the fury of the elements. 诺第留斯号于是乱滚乱摇,把持不住,像被疯狂的水流所卷走的一样。