英语听书《海底两万里》第496期 第31章 章鱼(4)(在线收听

 There were American triggerfish for which nature has ground only black and white pigments, 还有一些大自然给它们涂上黑白颜色的美洲箭鱼;

feather-shaped gobies that were long and plump with yellow fins and jutting jaws, sixteen-decimeter mackerel with short, 一些长16公分、鳍部黄色、颌部突出、身长肉丰的、
sharp teeth, covered with small scales, and related to the albacore species. 牙齿尖短、覆盖着小鳞片的鲭鱼,它们属于白脂鲭的一种。
Next came swarms of red mullet corseted in gold stripes from head to tail, their shining fins all aquiver, genuine masterpieces of jewelry, 此外,还出现了成群结队的羊鱼,它们从头部到尾部缠着一条条金带,摇动着闪亮的鳍,
formerly sacred to the goddess Diana, much in demand by rich Romans,  真像以前珠宝店奉给狄安娜的精品,罗马的贵族们对其尤为热衷,
and about which the old saying goes: "He who catches them doesn't eat them!" 曾有一句谚语说:“捉到了就别吃了!”
Finally, adorned with emerald ribbons and dressed in velvet and silk, golden angelfish  最后是披着翠绿色带纹的金黄色苹果鳍鱼,它们披着丝绸外衣
passed before our eyes like courtiers in the paintings of Veronese; 像维罗尼德斯笔下的老爷们一样从我们眼前掠过;
spurred gilthead stole by with their swift thoracic fins; 还有迅速摆动胸鳍匆匆而过的多刺鲷鱼;
thread herring fifteen inches long were wrapped in their phosphorescent glimmers;  长15英寸,被自己发出的磷光包,围着的磷光鱼东鱼;
gray mullet thrashed the sea with their big fleshy tails; 用多肉的大尾巴拍打青海水的鳐鱼;
red salmon seemed to mow the waves with their slicing pectorals; 好像在用尖利的胸鳍把水波切开的红色鲑鱼;
and silver moonfish, worthy of their name, rose on the horizon of the waters like the whitish reflections of many moons. 和名副其实的银白色月亮鱼,它们从海平面上跃出来,宛如一弯射出淡白色月光的月芽。
How many other marvelous new specimens I still could have observed if, little by little, the Nautilus hadn't settled to the lower strata! 如果不是“鹦鹉螺号”船只慢慢地潜入深海层中,我还能观察到无数其他新异的鱼类呢!