向前一步:第97期 如何找到你的人生导师(11)(在线收听

   I asked what a mentor meant to her. 我问她导师对她来说意味着什么。

  She explained that it would be someone she spoke to for at least an hour every week. 她解释道,导师应该是每周与她谈话至少一个小时的人。
  I smiled, thinking, That's not a mentor—that's a therapist. 我笑了,心想这可不是导师,而是心理咨询师。
  Few mentors have time for excessive hand-holding. 很少有导师能够花大量的时间去手把手指导门生,
  Most are dealing with their own high-stress jobs. 他们中大多数人都必须应对自己的工作,压力也很大。
  A mentee who is positive and prepared can be a bright spot in a day. 情绪积极、准备充分的被指导者会让他们眼前一亮。
  For this same reason, mentees should avoid complaining excessively to a mentor. 出于同样的原因,在导师面前,被指导者应该避免过度抱怨。
  Using a mentor's time to validate feelings may help psychologically, but it's better to focus on specific problems with real solutions. 占用导师的时间并希望自己的情绪得到认同,也许会在心理调适上有所帮助,但最好还是多关注怎样切实解决具体问题。
  Most people in the position to mentor are quite adept at problem solving. 大多数处于指导地位的人都很擅长解决问题,
  Give them a problem to solve. 那就给他们一个需要解决的问题。
  Sometimes high-potential women have a difficult time asking for help because they don't want to appear stumped. 有时候,发展潜力很大的女性感觉很难去寻求帮助,因为她们不想让自己看上去无计可施。
  Being unsure about how to proceed is the most natural feeling in the world. I feel that way all the time. 对下一步没有把握,这是再自然不过的感觉了,这种感觉也一直跟随着我。
  Asking for input is not a sign of weakness but often the first step to finding a path forward. 征求他人的意见并不表示你软弱,这反倒能够成为你找到前行道路的第一步。
  Mentoring and sponsoring relationships often form between individuals who have common interests or when the junior members remind the more senior members of themselves. 指导与赞助关系也常常出现在拥有共同利益的人之间,或是出现在初级职员让高层管理者联想起自己的时候。
  This means that men will often gravitate toward sponsoring younger men, with whom they connect more naturally. 这就意味着男性常常倾向于赞助更年轻的男性,因为他们之间会更加自然地发生联系。
  Since there are so many more men at the top of every industry, the proverbial old-boy network continues to flourish.  由于每个行业顶层都有众多男性,因此“老哥们儿”关系网仍然相当活跃。