舌尖上的中国第1季 第5期:自然的馈赠-酸笋(在线收听

 Sour Bamboo Shoot is made under the guidance of an ancestral recipe. 这是祖传的绝招来密造这个酸笋。

I'm the eldest grandson, so I've inherited the cooking skill. 我是大长孙,他那个绝招全部遗传给我。
Braised yellow croaker with soybean and sour bamboo shoot has an authentic Guangxi flavor. 黄豆酸笋小黄鱼,地道的广西风味菜。
Deep-fry tiny yellow croakers first, then cook them with soybeans and the sour bamboo shoots in oil.It is a great appetizer. 将长不大的小黄鱼事先炸透,与黄豆酸笋同炒。这是一道非常开胃的下饭菜。
The sour bamboo shoot is also an ingredient for cooking Snail Rice-flour Noodles, a local snack in Liuzhou. 在柳州当地,有一种叫螺蛳粉的小吃中,酸笋是最重要的辅料。
Ye's sweet bamboo shoots have reached a respiration peak two hours after being reaped. 阿亮家的大头甜笋,砍下来已经快两个小时了,这时候笋达到呼吸作用的高峰。
Four hours later, they will begin to soften and rot.Ye and his family work faster. 4个小时后,这两筐大头甜笋都会软化腐烂。阿亮全家手下的速度都加快了。
Every day, Ye checks the jars containing sour bamboo shoots before going to sleep. 阿亮每天睡觉前,要查看自家的酸笋坛子。
Under the lamp, he checks the processed shoots.His son says there will be customers tomorrow. 他透过光看一下酸笋的成色。儿子告诉他明天有人要来买酸笋。
But the shoots won't be ready for another 3 days.He would have to turn away the customers. 但是这些笋至少还要3天才能出缸。他打算推掉客人的订单。
Bao is cooking soup with winter bamboo shoots. 老包正用冬笋制作一道家常笋汤。
The salted pork and bamboo shoots, with a half-and-half proportion, will be fried before being simmered in soup stock. 咸猪肉、笋各放一半,在柴锅中煸炒加高汤慢炖。
The two flavors melt together.Originally, the soup, Pickled Tuk Fresh, was cooked with Spring bamboo shoots. 咸肉的腌味和冬笋的鲜味两种味道相互交融。在这道被称作腌笃鲜的江浙菜中,主角本来应该是春笋。
But Bao has instead used Suichang winter bamboo shoot that is 20 times more expensive. 但是老包却使用,价格高出20倍的遂昌冬笋。
In his eyes, the vegetables are common in his bamboo forest. 因为在老包的眼里,这些不过是自家毛竹林里的一个小菜而已。
Every lunar February, the spring bamboo shoot succeeds the winter shoot as the main ingredient for making the soup. 再过一个节气,春笋即将取代冬笋继续成就精彩的腌笃鲜。
Besides fresh food materials, some spices used to season delicacies also come from nature. 其实,除了新鲜食材,有时成就美食的调味料也同样来自于自然。