舌尖上的中国第1季 第8期:自然的馈赠-诺邓火腿(2)(在线收听

 Shujiang has 10 years of ham-making experience. 树江已经做了十年的火腿。

But he is still less skilled than his father. 但是手艺远不如父亲。
Yes, do it like this.Salt it evenly. Press hard. Put more salt on. 对就这么腌。都擦。实实地擦,多擦一些。
Besides his instructions, comprehension is also important. 他教我怎么做之后,还是要得靠悟性。
The processes of rubbing, blood discharging, salt spreading,and the amount of salt needed all depends on my own judgment. 因为他这个手的按摩,还有挤血,还有撒盐,盐要上多少,还是要得靠悟性。
It's simple to salt the hams.Just spread self-made Nuodeng salt evenly on the ham, and press it repeatedly. 诺邓火腿的腌制过程很简单。自制的诺邓盐均匀地覆盖在火腿上,反覆揉压。
Huang cherishes every grain of the salt due to its complex cooking process. 手工制盐的过程繁复,这让老黄对每一粒盐都珍惜有加。
People today no longer take salt seriously. 今天的人已经很难体会食盐的珍贵。
Advanced transportation and technology have make salt common and cheap. 交通和技术的进步已经使盐成为成本极低的商品。
But in our eyes, Nuodeng salt is still a gift bestowed by nature. 但我们仍然认为诺邓盐是自然赐给山里人的一个特殊礼物。
The river valley becomes warm and wet.And over 1,000 hams begin to mildew. 海拔1800米的河谷渐渐温润起来。从现在起,上千条诺邓火腿开始长霉。
The mold pushes hams into a deep fermentation process. 这种霉菌,即将伴随着火腿的深度发酵。
The dainty delicacy in the mountain is gradually maturing. 藏匿在深山里的美味正在慢慢生成。
In October, autumn falls on the plain areas in Hubei and Hunan. 10月,长江中游的两湖平原进入秋季。
In Hubei, the water level of the lakes close to the Yangtze begin to drop. 湖北省内临近长江的湖泊水位开始逐渐下降。
The laws of nature provide people with an opportunity to reach the bottoms of the lakes. 这个自然的规律使得人们有机会接近湖底的世界。
Every year, brothers Shengwu and Maorong come to Jiayu for a hard job when the water level drops. 圣武和茂荣是兄弟俩,每年湖水下降的时候,他们都会来到湖北的嘉鱼,开始迎接一项艰苦的工作。
New opportunities and challenges are waiting for them. 对兄弟两人来说,新的机遇和挑战就在眼前。
The brothers are going to dig up a delicious vegetable. 圣武和茂荣,要来采挖一种自然的美味。
It grows deep in the silt and is difficult to dig out. 这种植物生长在湖水下面深深的淤泥中,要想挖到并不是容易的事。
This gem Maorong has dug out.Here's another one.It's more to this side. 茂荣挖到了植物根茎。这里还有一枝。长在边上来了。
I built my house and provided for my kids to go to school with the money I earned doing this. 我家里盖房子的钱,孩子的读书钱全是我挖藕挣的身体好。
This gem Maorong has dug out is a lotus root, a high-yield vegetable that grows in lakes. 茂荣挖到的植物根茎茂荣挖到的植物根茎就是莲藕,是一种湖泊中高产的蔬菜。
Excellent physical condition is necessary for the work.It requires a strong body. 像这个活儿还可以多搞几年。这工作要身体强壮。
People who are not so strong are incapable of digging through the silt. 一般身体素质差的,一锹土下去,没这个体力。
So they have to give up. 搞不下来就不想搞了。