舌尖上的中国第1季 第9期:自然的馈赠-莲藕(1)(在线收听

 It needs patience and skill to dig up a complete lotus root. 挖藕要有耐心和技巧才能取出完整的一段藕。

Locate it first and figure out its length, and then clear away the silt around it, bit by bit. 摸清楚整根藕的走势和长度,然后再逐段地清除淤泥。
If it is broken and contaminated with silt, the value will be ruined. 藕断了就破了卖相,灌进了淤泥,就更卖不出价格。
So workers must be very careful to dig the root out without breaking it. 所以每一个挖藕人都要小心地把藕完整地挖出来。
Lotus root is rich in starch.Hubei natives are good at cooking it. 藕是一种含淀粉丰富的蔬菜。湖北产藕湖北人更会吃藕。
A fried lotus root sandwich is always cooked this way. 制作藕夹。
Peel the skin, cut it into thin slices, place minced meat stuffing evenly in between two slices. 藕去皮,切成薄的连刀片,用筷子夹肉馅儿塞入藕内,使肉馅儿能够均匀分布。
Then dip the raw sandwich in flour paste and fry until it turns golden. 藕夹入面浆挂上面糊,温油炸至金黄。
Lotus root is a kind of natural food that demands a lot of human labor. 藕是一种饱含了人工劳动的自然食材。
So it has more added value than any other vegetable. 因此附加在藕上的价值要比其他蔬菜都高。
The only way to get lotus root is to harvest it by manpower. 要想得到藕,唯一的方式就是用人力来挖。
No matter how large a lake is, lotus root cannot be harvested by machine. 无论多么大的藕田也没有任何机械化的采藕工具。
When harvest season comes, workers leave their hometowns for the production areas. 采藕的季节,他们就从老家安徽无为赶到有藕的地方。
Every year, Maorong and Shengwu work away from home for 7 months. 每年茂荣和圣武要只身出门7个月。
It's a comfortable salary that attracts them to do the job. 较高的人工报酬使得圣武和茂荣愿意从事这项艰苦的工作。
They understand that the harder the job is, the more money they will earn. 因为他们懂得环境越是恶劣,回报越是丰厚。