舌尖上的中国第1季 第15期:自然的馈赠-高跷捕鱼(在线收听

 On the three islands of Guangxi inhabited by Jing ethnic groups the fishermen used to fish on stilts. 广西京族三岛上的渔民曾经用高跷捕鱼的方式得到浅海的鱼虾。

Fish usually swarm in the morning and evening when the southwest monsoon dominates. 鱼群通常在西南季风来临的清晨和傍晚活动。
By casting the fish net while standing on stilts, the fishermen can efficiently catch fish in the shallow sea. 这个高度借助一副高跷,再撑开渔网作为支点可以有效地将近海的鱼虾一网打尽。
Facing the sea, people couldn't help but sigh over the shrinking availability of natural resources. 站在海岸线上总会有资源将尽的感慨。
Today, the once prosperous fishing method can be only seen in folklore performances. 以前很发达的高跷捕鱼现在逐渐成为民俗旅游项目。
These are the last five men capable of the stunt in Wanwei Jing ethnic village. 在京族的万浘渔村,这是最后5个会高跷捕鱼的人。
To the seaside residents, the deep ocean is more attractive. 对于海边的人来说,更深的诱惑还在深海之中。
China has a coastline of 18, 000 kilometers. 中国拥有长达1.8万公里的海岸线。
The further the fishermen are away from land, the more dangerous the task. 但是捕鱼的地方,离开海岸越远,危险的系数就越高。
After praying at the Mazu Temple, the fishermen will set out. 走进妈祖庙祈福,意味着新的航行马上开始。
Hainan native Lin Hongqi is to captain the boat. 海南人林红旗是远洋捕捞队的船长。
It's winter. Diesel, fresh water and food have been loaded on Lin's boat. It's ready to sail. 冬天里,林船长的渔船已经准备好柴油、食物和淡水即将从三亚的海港启航。
Of the 20 crew members aboard, all are young or middle-aged. 船上的20个人,大部分都是青壮年。
The decreasing numbers of fish make fishing much more difficult. 不断减少的鱼群让船长林红旗承担着一无所获的风险。
But Lin knows that nature won't satisfy man all the time.Sometimes man has to take his chance. 但是船长知道,自然的馈赠时常不遂人愿。机会还要靠自己去把握。
Lin catches a wolffish at evening.We can see its emerald green bones after it's been cut open. 傍晚船长捉到一条狼鱼。简单切块后,可以看到狼鱼翠绿色的骨头。
The fish is tasty enough after simply being boiled. 只要用清水一煮,味道就很鲜美。
Instant noodles and the fish make for a pleasant supper. 配上速食面,成就了一顿可口的晚餐。
But Lin isn't having a relaxed supper. Fishes are attracted to light. 但是船长的晚餐吃得并不平静。灯光引来了鱼群。