舌尖上的中国第1季 第16期:自然的馈赠-远洋捕捞(1)(在线收听

 After toiling for two hours, they've gotten nothing but some jellyfish. 打捞了整整两个小时,拉起来的渔网空空的只有一些水母。

It comes as no surprise.But the captain is under greater pressure. 没有收获是意料之中的事情。但是压力都在船长身上。
If they're still fruitless half a month later, Lin must take the responsibility. 半个月之后再没有收获,林红旗必须对船员有个交代。
Mackerel is the main food for the sailors out at sea. 出海的时候,船员会带上一些马鲛鱼作为食物。
The salted fish can be preserved for a long time. 马鲛鱼用盐腌好可以储备很久。
Fish heads and tails can be cooked with pickled cabbage into a tasty soup. 腌制剩下的鱼头和鱼尾加上酸菜可以做成美味的酸菜鱼汤。
There are 22 islands and 7 shoals  in the south china sea, the biggest and deepest sea in China. 南海是中国最大最深的海洋,其中有22个岛屿七个浅水区。
Fishermen fishing around the Xisha Islands have to go ashore in bad weather. 渔民们到西沙捕鱼遇上恶劣的天气就要靠岸休整。
Deep-sea fishing costs a lot.Lin has gone out to sea twice this year, ultimately losing tens of thousands of yuan. 远洋捕捞的成本很高。今年的捕捞季节,林红旗已经出过两次海亏损了好几万。
They have gotten nothing since departure. Lin is under great pressure. 这次的航程已经过去了好几天,还是一无所获。他的压力越来越大。