舌尖上的中国第1季 第17期:自然的馈赠-远洋捕捞(2)(在线收听

 The crew places their hopes on him. 希望都寄托在林红旗身上。

He is the captain, responsible for locating fish shoals. 他是船长,鱼群的位置全凭他的判断。
Traveling long distances within one day, the people who depend on the sea finally received generous gifts from nature once again. 从一无所获到一日千里,靠大海谋生的人们又一次获得馈赠。
But pelagic fishing only runs 6 months a year. There's no time to be lost. 但是,一年中能出海的机会只有半年。大家必须抓紧时间。
But the fishermen have a unique way to celebrate the harvest: A rich feast of fish. 渔民们独特的庆祝方式就是做一顿丰盛的海鱼午宴-香煎马鲛鱼。
The decocted mackerel can retain its original flavor after being cooked alone. 不用添加任何多余的调料,完全原汁原味。
Chizi fish tastes good after being braised with garlic. 池子鱼要跟蒜一起红烧。
Shell fish has the fine quality of making soup with sour bamboo shoot. 炮弹鱼肉质细腻最适合做汤,加上酸笋一起煮。
The dishes retain the original flavor of seafood. 船上做菜保留了海鲜最原始的鲜味。
Lin returns with an entire boat of fish. But he knows it will be a short stay. 林红旗载着一船鱼回到了陆地。但他知道这只是短暂的停留。
Only time can see how human beings will adapt to the changing ocean. 人们未来将如何适应海洋环境只能静观其变。
Zhuoma and her mother have earned 5,000 yuan in the matsutake harvest season. 为期两个月的松茸季节,卓玛和妈妈挣到了5000元。
Their hard work has paid off. 这个收入是对她们辛苦付出的回报。
In the evening, Shengwu pulls the boat ashore.He is going to cover today's harvest with a tarp. 傍晚,圣武撑着船回到岸边。他要把今天采到的莲藕用苫布盖起来。
Shi comes to the ice-covered lake on the lunar New Year's Day. 新年的第一天,石把头独自上冰。
250,000 kilos of baby fish will be put into the lake at Spring. 春天50万斤鱼苗儿将会重新投放到湖里。
He is looking forward to another harvest. 老人仍然期待冰湖里的馈赠。
When we enjoy delicacies,we should appreciate the people who make this happen through their hard work and wisdom. 当我们远离自然享受美食的时候,最应该感谢的是这些付出劳动和智慧的人们。
Nature tends to be generous and forthcoming with her rewards for man. 而大自然则以她的慷慨和守信作为对人类的回报和奖赏。