舌尖上的中国第1季 第25期:主食的故事(8)(在线收听

 Thousands of miles away in Xi'an, this restaurant in the old city town is always filled with people waiting. 几千公里外的西安老城区里的这家饭馆永远站满了等候的人。

What can keep the local people wait so patiently can only be the marinated meat in baked bun. 能够让直爽的关中人这样耐心等待的大概只有肉夹馍了。
In Xi'an, this type of baked bun is the most widely accepted staple food. 在西安馍是最被当地人接受的主食。
The marinated meat in baked bun is the most classic way to enjoy the buns. 而肉夹馍则是馍的最经典吃法。
Marinated meat and baked bun are the perfect combination. 肉夹馍,是两种食物的绝妙组合-白吉馍和腊汁肉。
The buns Xi'an people eat are baked on fire. 西安人吃的白吉馍用火烤制。
The meat is made with 30-plus seasonings and is stewed with gentle heat. 加入三十多种调料,慢火熬制而成的肉。
It tastes soft and glutinous. 软糯浓郁。
The plain buns can better highlight the mellow meat. 馍的平淡更加凸显出肉的醇香。
Xi'an native Cao Shi founded a band with a few friends. 西安人曹石和朋友组了一个说唱乐队。
They sing in Xi'an dialects. 用西安方言演唱的说唱乐队。
Cao is a college teacher and also the lyric writer for the band. 身兼大学教师乐队作词(曹石)主唱等多种角色。
In this song, he lists dozens of local delicacies in ordinary people's lives in Shaanxi. 他在这首描写陕西平民美食的说唱里一连串列举了几十种诱人的美食。
Spinach noodles are rich in nutrition. 菠菜面营养多绝对很浓。
Belt noodles are thick and challenge your throat. 裤带面粗得很挑战喉咙。
Remember to wipe your mouth after having Jiangshui noodles. 浆水面连汤带水记得擦嘴。
Qishan noodles have a long history. 岐山面臊子多,历史悠久。
Garlic noodles are a bit spicy. 蒜沾面有点辣,小心舌头。
Noodles with soybean paste are in good measure. 炸酱面来一点,吃不了咱兜着走。
At last, have a bowl of noodle soup. 对伙计来碗面汤。
Xi'an was once the most prosperous city in the world. 历史上的西安曾经是世界上最繁华的都市。
Thirteen dynasties set up their capitals here. 13个王朝在这里建都。
People from around the world gathered here, bringing the place diverse delicacies. 全世界的人都汇集到这里带来了各地不同的美食。
Today, Xi'an remains a heaven of staple foods for the Chinese. 直至今日这里依然是中国人的主食天堂。
Paomo, another staple food in Xi'an, originated from the baked buns. 泡馍也是从馍变化出来的一种西安主食。
Based on their own preference, people can tear a bun into different sizes. 每个人根据自己喜好的口感掰出大小形状不一的馍块。
As for Xi'an natives, this process is what they enjoy the most. 对西安人来说这个举手之劳是一个弥足享受的过程。
In Northwest China, chopped-up baked buns in lamb or beef broth is a perfect combination of staple food and soup. 在西北主食和汤的完美融合-牛羊肉泡馍。
Another example can be the Lanzhou beef noodles. 另外一个是兰州牛肉面。